Sunday, June 8, 2008

I've wasted yet another precious day...

Don't know why... slept so 'early' & yet can wake up so early at 1318 hrs *YaWnS*. As usual, nua-ed on the bed till 1330 hrs, sat on my bed & MSN-ed *LOL* Took lunch at 1400 hrs, mom make hot mee siam for me to eat (AJ: don't know who buy de, not tasty de).

My lunch: Mee Siam

Well, very much wanted to start my revision, but then.. *ahem* as usual.. (AJ: those who knows me you know my pattern eh?) & ended up MSN-ing & watching TV in the living hall all the way till 1830 hrs. Went 'spa' & left for dinner at 1910 hrs at a coffeeshop situated at the junction between Braddell Road & Upper Serangoon Road. Ordered BBQ Stingray, Crayfish & 'gong bao' claypot 'tian ji'. Overall, the food is ok. I love the crayfish especially.. very nicely cooked & presented. The crayfish was so fresh that the juicyness, sweetness & Q-ness is there.. yummy! The 'gong bao' claypot 'tian ji' is nice but quite spicy (AJ: will go back for more!). But one thing to note, the carparking there is very limited & challenging!

Top: Coffeeshop where I had dinner
Bottom: The BBQ stall & thats the guy who is BBQ-ing the food!

My dinner! (AJ: Mouth-watering eh?)

After dinner, went Sheng Siong, bought Chipster, Brands Bird's Nest & cherries (AJ: haven't been sleeping & resting, for 'yang yan' purposes!). Saw a moutain of mangosteen... is it the season now? After that, no place to go le.. so went home.

Hmm.. what should I do next? BLOGGING & BLOGGING & MSN-ing!!!
(AJ: AP you winner lo... jio me go ECP Coffeebean? my books how eh? =P no time le lo~ after exams anytime, anywhere... you put place put timing! i 'on' you ar!)

A mountainous pile of mangosteens!
(AJ: Imagine fixing a tap... free flow of fresh mangosteen juice?) *LOL* =P

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