F R I D A Y, 30 M A Y 2 0 0 8
Had branch meeting in Jupiter & welcome breakfast for Patrick & Wayne. As usual, I was running late, reached office at 0820 hrs & meeting is supposed to start at 0830 hrs (AJ: hahaha... was told to reach at 0800 hrs for breakfast before meeting starts lo =P). Anyway, I ordered McDonald's new breakfast item "The McGriddles"!!! Didn't know have this new item & I like it (AJ: finally, have alternative besides my all time favourite "Fillet-O-Fish"). McGriddles is quite small in size, smell of pancakes, its 2 sponge cakes with maple syrup baked right in & taste of occasional hints of maple syrup, with egg & patty & cheese. Finally, the meeting ended at 1015 hrs.

It's really nice! I'm lovin' it!
Today is ST Electronics (e-Services) Pte Ltd 1st Anniversary, had our rehearsal for CMD's 1st production "Ah Seng Musicial" at Sun lobby in semi-dressed & full-dressed. It was very fun & not forgeting Andrew D. S., our narrator; he was so fun & funny & creative when narrating! He is like a big man back unleashing his days when he was still a young man! Trust me! Andrew was awesome & really soooo GOOD & funny & natural that my eyes simply can't off him! *LOL* (AJ: really never expect him to be so 'siao' & he indeed enjoyed himself! Please watch video *will upload soon*). At last, all of us were prepared for our musical for the night!
Everyone worked till 3 pm, drove to Vivo City for some last minute shopping... especially my buddy Elise. Her role is to act "Ah Huey", yet her dressing don't look "Ah Huey" & shopped round for "Ah Huey" wannabe kinda clothes. We shopped for sooooo long yet nothing she fancy or not it's too expensive. Really very tired after the shopping around (AJ: I haven't been sleeping much since April) ended up we walked seperate way, AP & me went to buy my favourite brownie from Ben & Jerry's.. & I went Face Shop to get my stuff. Finally, we left Vivo City for the next destination... "Yan Ge Restaurant" where the function was held. On the road, I spotted GM in front of me! Heh heh... told the girls in my car I'm going to tail gate him! *LOL* I sped & caught up with him.. & followed him into the carpark. We were behind him... horned & high beamed him on & off (AJ: the best is he can't recognise who is behind him coz the carpark so dim) & he accelerated his way up to the carpark! Then there was this parking lot at the corner after the up-slope... GM immediately shot it in! (AJ: can see he like so irritated & wondering who the hell behind him & can't wait to 'catch up' with us). I parked a few lots away from him, got down & saw him walking towards us. His facial expression at first was so 'smelly' & 'cramped', when he realised it's us... his face changed & 'armh chio' aka smiled! (AJ: my GM knows the skills of the traditional chinese art performance 'Bian Lian!') He was so funny lo~ & we proceeded to the restaurant & on the way met Cecilia & Jack, brought Cecilia to my car to put her things.
'Yan Ge' aka 'Yan Palace' Restaurant
This is the place where the function was held.
Finally, arrived at 'Yan Ge'... went ladies to change into our 'costume' & for make-up & all in all we were in the ladies for as long as 1 hour? then went out for food & await our turn to showcase our musical. Sad to say, the food was lousy. Not sure if it's the usual standard or is it because of our budget? At last! Our turn to perform... & there goes Andrew D. S. narrating happily & at the same time enjoying himself in our musical & the audience & supporters was practically laughing away! Guess what?! CMD won the 1st prize! The prize was $300 CapitalLand Voucher which Mr Wee suggested to contribute to our centre's welfare fund for touch time activities. Of course, not forgetting to snap a photograph of our team after winning... got internal photographer to help, skarlli the photograph cannot make it & some of us were not in the photo duh~ (AJ: hey Mr photographer, you better buck up else you'll lose your job to me!) I am sure I can do a better job than him lo... (AJ: see the group photograph & you'll know it). After the whole function, I then realised I left my clothes in the ladies... (AJ: after so long then realised lo~) & went to search for it & luckily it was still there sitting nicely on the floor.

Bunga Dily & Bunga Me =)
Bunga Ee Lian, Bunga Dily & Bunga Me!
Disclaimer: View this photograph at your own risk!
Top Photograph: Taken by internal photographer
Bottom Photograph: I organised everyone & took marking & got someone to snap.
(AJ: Bottom one better right?)
'Ah Seng Musical' Casts & Crew, VIP & Guests
We decided to continue our night for KTV at 'Cha Xuan'. As usual, there are always people ready to sing out loud & people who are shy to sing. Anyway, after some time of gathering together, everyone got used to each other & began singing & dancing. We sang till 0300 hrs & left for supper at the porridge restaurant (i.e. previously at Kallang Oasis) at Toa Payoh Garden. Went supper with Cecilia, Elise, Aiping & Patrick till 0445 hrs & I was seriously sleepy & dozing off... sent Cecilia home & make my way home. Some words to describe this night: fun, enjoyable, tired, sleepy & wonderful!
The KTV 5 Bungas Band!
Flying Kiss to all our supporters out there!
Clinton & Me
(AJ: Clint went round taking photographs with almost everyone lo~)
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