Thursday, June 12, 2008

Back to Work!

W E D N E S D A Y, 1 1 J U N E 2 0 0 8

Slept very 'early' last night (AJ: nearly 0400 hrs)... don't know why I couldn't wake up for work today (AJ: never been me). BearBear called my mobile at 0655 hrs yet can't feel it (AJ: I did answer & even spoke to him!) & unconsciously went back to sleep. I even remembered very clearly that I was still enjoying myself in La-La Land dreaming, thinking that I am still on leave! =P

At 0705 hrs, the telephone in my room rang... *RING RING~ RING RING~*...

AJ: "waaant... but what time is it now?"
Daddy: "ALREADY 7 am plus le!"
AJ: "WHAT?! Ok Ok!!!"

I quickly jumped off bed & went to wash up & prepare for work!!! =P

Back to work today (AJ: sianz... =/) & all 3 courses on are mine (AJ: haven't been running my courses of my own perview for long cos of different venues, meetings etc.). There are only 3 of us in the morning & 4 of us in the afternoon for the entire working day! (AJ: shiok right?) HT was at The Chevrons (AM) & will be back (PM) & the rest at OBS (AM) & after that they'll be at SAFRA Toa Payoh for meeting (PM) & won't be back for the day! *hehehe*

Went for lunch with CC at one of my fave jappy restaurant at Vivo City - SUSHI TEI!!! (AJ: yummy~!) Well, as usual... ordered my never to be missed "Sashimi Salad w/ Sushi Tei Dressing & Sashimi" and this time others. After makan, went to buy earrings (AJ: forgot to put on earrings when i left for work), accompanied CC to bank on her iBanking password thingy and then headed back to office. *boring*

My Lunch @ Sushi Tei @ Vivo City

The Pair of Earrings bought at Vivo City

Time passed soooo slowly... sitting at my desk working (AJ: didn't really work la... slacked & nua-ed) till afternoon 'teabreak'. CC brought a box of tarts with compliments by Ah Yong & shared with me. Looking at the tarts... weird & small to me. Tried the tarts... hmm... nice wor. CC said it's chocolate cheese tart but Ah Yong supposed to bring blueberry cheese duh. *LOL* Told CC to tell Ah Yong next time bring blueberry cheese tart~ hahaha... Also had mini cupcake replica (AJ: not as nice as chocolate cheese tart). Don't feel like doing anything after that, ended up playing with my hair! *LOL (AJ: it's been long since i last tie my hair! Nice? =P)

Box of Mini Chocolate Cheese Tarts
with compliments from Ah Yong

The Mini Cupcake Replica =)

Nice eh? *LOL*

(AJ: anyhow tie with free hands)

After work, went to meet Linda for dinner with CC... took a cab & meeting point is at DFS Orchard. CC & I reached, skarli Linda still in office... so CC & I went to shop in MNG & Isetan while waiting for Linda. At last, Linda came... shopped around Isetan & saw some interesting earrings & I bought for CC & myself & then headed off to DFS.

Those interesting earrings...

(AJ: mine is the pink one~)

After our shopping at DFS, we decided to settle down for dinner. Can't decide what to eat & where to eat. The girls asked me.. & as usual my reply "Jap lo" *LOL* hahaha.. (AJ: never ask me where for meals, my answer you know where) We walked to Wasabi Tei.. Q was SUPER LONG! Ended up, we flagged a cab & we made up our mind to go to Newton. Don't know why... we ordered alot of food... that Linda kept saying hungry hungry want to order this order that.. end up eat so little lo~ that CC quite sporting la, order what & eat almost anything we ordered! We also made new friend on this night.. a pretty lady from stall number 74 - friendly, yakky, joker, approachable, helpful & much more~ Best is she gave 3 of us nicks - CC = Ah Huey; AJ = Ah Lian; Linda = Ah Zhu!!! *muahahaha* Linda was so shocked & don't know if she should flare up or just accept it as a joke lo! *LOL* This pretty lady very nice... told me to declare her name when I visit the ladies so I can access for free (AJ: the toilet requires entry payment)... anyway when I reached the washroom also nobody 'jagar' lo. Left Newton Circus at 0012 hrs... & headed home.

Our dinner at Newton Circus Hawker!

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