Saturday, June 7, 2008

Another precious day has passed for me...

Woke up at 1100 hrs today, can hear it's raining out there... *yawns* Looking at the clock on my hp, still early since will be driving to Khatib for cupcake baking class. Nua-ed till 1130 hrs... stood up from bed & log on to MSN, update blog, surfing & thinking of what to wear to baking class. Walked around house (KLKK) & MSN-ed... time ticked very fast, went 'spa', & changed into my clothes... suddenly realised I put on weight le~ (AJ: gosh! gotta do something after my exams!!! jogging, badminton, diet... hm~ BBQ??? =P) my clothes like not enough breathing space for me! Anyway, left home at 1410 hrs, dad shifted car from carpark lot didn't tell me, make me walk up & down.

*Ta-da!* My attire for the day... =)

walking back to car in the rain, 1st time took photo with umbrella *heh*
(AJ: Look at my drowsy face, trying real hard 'keng-ing' the wake up long time look!)

Reached Khatib at 1435 hrs & was raining heavily. Today learnt piping icing (gothic colors) & decoration & gift box & is the last day of class. Took photograph with Zaihidin = 12 yr old + (shy + handsome + approachable + friendly + good boy + nice), got along well with me since 1st day of class & he is on my MSN contact list! (AJ: Daisy say I 'male killer' small boy also 'kill'... i racial harmony cannot is it? *LOL* dun get jealous la *kekeke*) Class ended at around 1715 hrs, ate some fried beehoon at his place & left. Settled at McDonald's with drive thru service at AMK, bought green tea, sat down, MSN & update my blog till 2000 hrs & left for dinner.

By me: Notice the decor on the gothic cupcakes & the gift box

Zaihidin & Me =)

Had dinner with BearBear at Sushi Tei - Serangoon Gardens (AJ: my usual hang out) & ordered my usual meal. In contact with AP, thought want meet her & she said Daniel at Serangoon Gardens JUMBO dinner with family & sms-ed him if he wants to meet. Skarli Daniel say another day because with his cousin (AJ: best is he don't have my no. yet can reply) & sms-ed him for awhile, no idea how he guessed it's me & ask me go home study for exams (AJ: poor AP, she's gonna miss Dear Daniel for today) & say he'll be playing mahjong with sis & cousin. After dinner, no where to go... so went home, MSN & BLOG~ *LOL* (AJ: slacking still... =P)

My dinner... (slurps)

I love sashimi!!!

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