Sunday, June 8, 2008

AJanalogy: No Reply = Sleeping = D.N.D

was working on my blog till 0115 hrs, at the same time MSN-ing & bluetooth-ing files from my mobilephone to lappy... felt restless & went to nap on the sofa & bluetooth-ing concurrently.

Zzz... Zzz... *te te deng, te te deng, te te deng, te te deng...!* sounds so familiar... MSN prompt lo~! woke me up, walked to lappy to check who MSN-ing me... it's HIM lo~! (AJ: thanks for waking me eh?) went to wipe myself with towel because 'Doctor Him' say this say that... (AJ: sounds like mom, but anyway.. thanks for the advice =>) After that, continued with my blog, hijacked & deprived him from sleeping till 0507 hrs *LOL* (AJ: for HIM - decipher & remember the equation No Reply = Sleeping = D.N.D else regret at your own risk!)

anyway, just realised a unique hobby... (AJ: smell blah blah blah...) not gonna spell it out *hahaha* ok la... it's time for me to re-enter dreamland~ nitey! ;)

Joikipedia on 'Girls'
*Girls are never cheeky, naughty nor don't look like a girl*

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