T U E S D A Y, 1 0 J U N E 2 0 0 8
Took some beautiful photographs during the journey yesterday evening when chauffeuring the 2 monkeys from work to home & then dinner (AJ: Diners - AP & Dan; Elise & Nutz; Me & BearBear). Itinerary: exam venue -> heavy vehicle carpark opposite office -> Elise's place -> AP's place -> BearBear's place -> Kovan HeartLand Mall -> Thai Express.
HaPpY vIeWiNg!

(AJ: I'd always snap shots of it whenver I drove pass it!
- ECP; taken on the same day... good skills eh? =D )

(AJ: rarely a chance, isn't it amazing?)

"Bai Se Lian Ren"

My dinner at Thai Express & the 'cooling' weather after makan
(AJ: I was sooo hungry till forgot to take photograph before I eat!)

Dunno why suddenly eyes swollen & flu
(AJ: think kena the strong wind & rain)
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