Sunday, June 1, 2008

Sweet Sweet Dessert~

T H U R S D A Y, 29 M A Y 2 0 0 8

Had dinner at Quality Hotel with BearBear & nephew. Hmm... don't know why the food now not so nice (AJ: paid regular price somemore). Didn't eat much during lunch so was rather hungry so I suggested Quality Hotel's buffet prorridge. The food served were not tempting and looked boring... not tasty also (AJ: imagine I was already so hungry yet the food still can't captivate me especially my stomach =P). Didn't eat much in the end, quite disappointed with the food though. Best is that I used to visit Quality hotel for night supper (AJ: near my place & porridge not fattening) & the food served was rather nice & tasty... not sure why now their food not so nice already, don't think I'll go back for more.

Anyway, check out the sweet sweet self-made dessert by BearBear for me...

Sweet Sweet Dessert Specially Made by BearBear for me!
Ingredients: Fruit Cocktail + Cube Agar Agar + Attap Seed + Sweet Color Syrup + Grated Ice
(AJ: Sweet Sweet coz he added so much syrup lo~!)

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