Sunday, June 15, 2008

Boring Saturday...

was at home all alone.. someone pressed the doorbell & knocked on the door. hmm... it was my neighbour who lives at 5th floor came to pick up his car keys from me (AJ: he just came back from HK) well, i was still in my pyjamas & hair was in a mess... really felt no xing xiang lo~ =/

AP & i were supposed to meet up with Elise for some shopping & coffee session... do not know why.. end up never meet (AJ: can't remember already) was at home till late evening in the end. met up with bear bear & decided to have our dinner at G5 - frog porridge. sms-ed with AP & arranged to meet up with her & dan at Lau Pat Sat for dessert at 2330 hr.

AP & Dan reached almost 0000 hr lo! anyway, ordered desserts & yakked all the way & left for home at 0303 hrs

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