Thursday, 10 July 2008
Left office at 2030 hr with CC, AP & PY, booked a cab to Balestier 24 hr hawker/foodcourt for our dinner (AJ: super famished & yet AP & CC kept wanting to take photographs) *faint* On our way in the cab, I went online to MSN & saw the side note of D showing 'RESULTS OUT!!!' I quickly logged in to the Monash portal for results viewing~ (AJ: fingers xcossed)
When I arrived at the unofficial academic webpage, I thought to myself... 'At least a Credit pls' & got myself mentally prepared, took a deep breath, gathered a lot of guts... closed my eyes & there I placed my cursor on the scroller & scrolled down in just a second! ... guess what??? Yay!!! Finally.. the long awaited~ I passed my exams for semester 1/08! *wink* Got a credit of the same score for both units (AJ: YES!) !!! *grinz* Well, my sleepless nights before exam has not gone into waste =P I guess it must be God has been blessing & watching over me all the way till now & will still be when i was preparing for my exams. Why so? In fact, I only started my revision the day (AJ: usually I'll started after 0100 hr as the night will be silent but will doze off in between also =P ) before my actual exam date by glancing through the powerpoint slides (AJ: I know you guys sure can't believe it) I must say that I have been very fortunate =X & I know... to believe in GOD is of course not the way out =P but you just got to believe!
hmm... very soon semester 2/08 is going to resume & I still have another 3 more units to go *faint* I must complete it & I know I can do it! Mlonash here I come! ;D
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