Monday, July 14, 2008

It started out just another day~

Oopsiee~ today is supposed to be my duty at work yet i have clean forgotten about it! =P I quickly called AP & asked where she is & said not to worry cos EL may have helped me out cos she is usually early (AJ: a BIG THANK U Ee Lian!)

Well, reached office at my 'usual' timing... the air-conditioning in office is super cold! *sHiveRs* The first call at work today was like heart attack. Received a call from Tai Ling that one of my participant came for my course at SAFRA TPY (AJ: Workplace Harmony was cancelled & HR only sent out email to inform participants on Friday & this lady was not in office on Friday lo~) Informed Elise & tried calling LC but unable to get her *sigh* thus, emailed LC on this issue & told her to give that participant a call (AJ: the participant was upset & wants HR to call her). After that, Bev gathered us for RC where we shared issues & happenings at work for last week & this upcoming week & then BeV, AP, PY & myself proceeded for another meeting for tomorrow's CARDINAL event at AFS skipped breakfast & concluded for brunch. Left for brunch at 1200 hr... took a cab to TBP & had our lunch at Ajisen (AJ: not bad la.. improved as compared to many years back when I first tasted) & I had scallop ramen in tom yam soup. Lunched & did abit of shopping (AJ: didn't want to shop de, but happened to walk pass the shop where I have been bio-ing the blouse for sometime already) =P Tried quite a few pieces, I bought 3 pieces & CC 1 piece & our total expense allows us to get a bag of our choice for free (AJ: hmm... didn't know I bought so many till in the cab =P) After that, went to The Faceshop with AP cos she wants to get a blusher & I bought a make-up base. On our way to the taxi stand, I bought Green Tea McFlurry which I have always wanted to give it a try & God knows... it melted & turned green tea milk! (AJ: Clinton la.. i was enjoying my McFlurry & he called me to help him on his assignment) In fact, I wanted to do my CARDINAL stuffs & end up do his assignment till 1805 hr & Clinton say he help me on my CARDINAL stuffs (AJ: thanks lo.. do until no standard!!!) yet I will need to re-do it tomorrow! *argh* Met up with Bear Bear & had herbal lamb soup with rice for dinner & bought many fruits... lychee, mangosteen & cherries! *LOL* (AJ: actually, all these serve as titbits & snacks for me whenever my mouth itchy la.. have been munching 3 packets of Chipster in 2 days lo~) Time to lose weight~ my 'tyres' are showing themselves unconsciousy! Hmm.. or anyone out there has any effective slimming ways to share with me?

i love F.R.U.I.T.s~ especially mangosteen!
(AJ: don't know why lately have cravings for mangosteen..
anyway, also my snacks & titbits... no more chips for me!) *ZaPPed*

fast-seller mangosteen juice drink! *sLuRps*

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