Wednesday, 9 July 2008
at last~... my vocal is regaining back slowly (AJ: although still abit of 'zao sia' when i talk) & could at least sing too! *LOL* BUT~ poor AP... she is down with the same virus & of course living with the 'zao sia' vocal =P
WP will not be in from 9 - 10 Jul 08, Elise & MX on course for these 2 days as well. i reached office at 0845 hr today (AJ: raining & jam lo~) =P luckily did not bump into any of the 'Royal Family' members & that 'CISCO' is not around cos she went for dental. *pHew* have been hearing around that boss is going to take action on latecomers (AJ: not as if we latecomers go home on the dot... we stayed back in office to do work almost everyday lo~) & he will be highlighting in our upcoming diaglogue session probably on the 28 Jul 08. whatever it is, even if the implementation of choice of working hours (e.g. start work at 8 am or 8:30 am) or cutting of salary etc. still will late de lo. =/ *sighz* let's put this issue aside... (AJ: aiya, don't want to think about it).
today, HC is doing training over at CMD & he jio-ed for lunch. hmm... told HC another day as i have lunch appointment with a friend. told HC if we lunch, he'll need to bring my kakis along too! *haha* HC was so 'shuang kuai' & agreed, asking me to let him know who are my usual kakis & he will pop by someday whether or not there is training to drive us out for lunch in his new car! (AJ: HC bought a new Mercz lo~... but still i prefer another) *LOL* anyway, met up with my friend for lunch later in the morning. have been sms-ing each other earlier what to have for lunch & i was 'bullied' to think of what & where to eat cos he'll be driving (AJ: bully ki chi) *bleah* end up, he suggested to have duck rice which is near Lorong Sari (AJ: by the way duck rice is fattening cos of the duck gravy & rice & i'm trying to lose my kilos! i've put on 4 kg in 2 months!) where my late grandpa used to stay! *sobs* (AJ: hope i didn't put on more) we had a looooooooong chat over lunch & time really flies, it is time to head back office (AJ: thanks for the lunch & company) =D on my way back to the office, CC called & asked me to go for second round (AJ: Tiong Bahru Market so far lei) hence turned them down. looking at the clock.. kinda early still, sms-ed HC & looked him up at the training room. we decided to go for a drink (AJ: supposed to accompany him for lunch, end up he ate apple cos i was caught up with another trainer in between), got to see his new shiny Mercedes (AJ: nice 'toy' he've got.. HC upgraded from an Avante to Mercedes) & he sure do know how to pamper himself. *hmm*
later in the evening, went toastmasters with AP, CC, Bev & Leslie with invitation by Daniel. the 4 of us shared a cab to Cheng San CC where the toastmasters session will be held & Leslie to make his way from Chevrons to join us. the session started, it was rather eye-opening for us who are guests for that evening. alot of sharing & presentation were done in the session till after teabreak, there is one segment "table topic" & CC was 'arrowed' by Daniel to go up to speak! *LOL* & of course, after CC... it was my turn to be 'arrowed' by her.
after the toastmasters session, the 5 of us took the MRT to Newton for dinner/supper. we ordered so much food.. stingray, sotong, kang kong, gong gong, la la, crispy chicken, satay & fried oyster with egg! (AJ: hmm.. eat so much sure put on weight again =P) gosh.. really have to watch my diet le else no more value =P
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