was at SAFRA Toa Payoh in the morning with EK. i was there so-called to help replace Sara & at the same time, to do a stock take on the office furnitures & i took photographs of it as well (AJ: took photographs in case boss do not know which item in case i leave the organisation) =P well, EK is supposed to help me out.. in the end, clinton helped me instead (AJ: thanks clinton!) very soon, it was lunch time. as clinton did not want to lunch out, me & EK left for lunch & back to office at Depot Road & i am going for a meeting with WP & MX at TAB in the afternoon.
drove to TAB. on our way there, WP said 'he' may not be coming for the meeting cos his car broke down (AJ: kinda sad lo~) *sighx* the journey was rather long. at last! arrived at TAB & met up with our escorts, changed our passes & i waited in the car for the escorts to be ready to bring us in. WP came in my car during the wait & she got an SMS from 'him' that he will be coming for the meeting & was on his way in a cab! (AJ: haha.. God is kind afterall!) =) the whole meeting ended quite fast just that the reccee-ing part on the venue took quite some time as we need to wait, walk, opening up of the venues & see if venue is conducive for learning. i was told that there is a room where it cannot be accessible & 'rumoured' to be haunted *gulped* while waiting for the door of the other room to be opened, a guy in uniform walked into the restricted room! WP was so excited & asked me & MX if we saw someone going into that room! of course, we said 'no lei.. where got people walked in? you bumped into 'something' is it?!' *shivers* WP gave us the dubious look of hers & she asked 'him' if he saw what she saw... and of course, 'he' was so natural & said 'no.. was there anyone? i didn't see people' (AJ: of course we saw la~ just trying to scare her out! well, didn't expect 'he' can react & act on with us!) *LOL* anyway, think WP 'faking' la.. she knows we saw what she saw just that we are trying to scare her out of her wits! *haha* whatever it is... moving on~ finally, done with the reccee-ing & time to leave. got a 'special' request from 'him' & of course, i agreed & this WP kept asking me if i am sure i want to give 'him' a ride *why not?* (AJ: WP like reluctant to bring him along in my car... too bad lo, the decision is mine!) *bleah* well, he is kinda vain i would say. he said he needs to go get changed & to wait outside for him! not an issue, we went to the ladies & guess what? he can really take long to change lo.. 3 ladies went to the washroom & hes not even ready *haha* at last! hes out... & his shirt looks crumpled~ (AJ: hmm... 'he' does look good in both uni & cv attire) =P
alright... i 'chauffeured' the 3 of them & left TAB at about 1800 hr plus (AJ: can't remember.. should be around that timing). as usual, WP took the front seat (AJ: how could you let a guy sit behind eh? ego is at stake lo~) WP was so noisy during the journey (AJ: those who knows WP, you all know la.. her volume damn loud de) anyway, MX & 'him' alighted at Toa Payoh MRT & WP at her house - again (AJ: always make me send her back down her block) *bleah* =P & called it a day!
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