Tuesday, July 15, 2008

AFS & Back to School

set alarm on my mobilephone to wake up at 0530 hr... it rang & i switched it off =P (AJ: was rather tired cos slept at 0330 hr) & in the end, i woke up at 0645 hr & at the same time AP called to tell me she couldn't make it at 0715 hr & told her i will pick her up at 0730 hr at TPY *LOL*

On our way to office, i had cravings for McGriddles & suggested to AP to get breakfast from McDonald's since we don't have much time later. *tsk tsk* We SMS-ed & bought breakfast for most of them. SMS-ed & rang Danny that i'll be reaching very soon cos i am at the traffic junction outside! He was very funny, thinking that i am pulling his leg & he thought that i am somewhere far still! *LOL* Reached, had a smooth access at the security check area & it is very nice of him to allow me to park at carpark E BUT i will have to leave latest by 10 + cos there will be visits in the afternoon by some big shots.

The time is now 1015 hr... time to leave for AFS. Before we head for AFS, i thought we should at least have our lunch or else our stomach may growl during the session later! =P (AJ: all of us just took our breakfast at 0900 hr plus lo~) PY bought 'shui jing bao' x 10 & we, the gals had porridge + side dishes for lunch. (AJ: No choice la peeps... my image is at stake so can't afford to growl during the session) =P Best is.. AP & Bev both said they aren't hungry, are still full yet can still eat with me & finished up all the food! *hiaks*

Reached AFS, proceeded to workshop venues & waited for time to come; 1300 hr to kick start the first group attending the workshop. I sat through Chris's session on 'Engaging Your Heart through Emotional Intelligence'... he started out with an opening, self intro & an ice-breaker named 'Traffic Jam' (AJ: this ice-breaker is not easy to resolve de) & soon we were brought into the topic (AJ: felt as if i was brought into twilight zone~ heavy & drowsy) xP There were altogether 3 groups; rotational basis to attend the workshop... (AJ: imagine i sat thru 3 times) *yAwNs* This message is to Bev cos she was the one who allocated us to the workshops - 'you win already... this is the last time uh' *LOL*

The whole learning day ended at 1800 hr & the weather was cool & wet & before we leave, we got the chance to take a picture of the aircraft model! *hee*

Today, is also my first day back to school~ (AJ: boring...) School is at City Hall area, alighted Kai & Bev at Raffles City to catch the MRT & AP accompanied me for lesson. As usual, i am always sleepy during the first part of the lesson, very naturally.. i dozed off a couple of times (AJ: very naturally really! it always happen for every lesson..) =P *haha* & i know my lecturer saw me dozing off BUT i have tried my best to stay awake!!! (AJ: tough lei~) Then this AP very bad, she was sitting beside me... suddenly she slapped my thigh so hard with a loud thud *THUD!!!* i jumped! (AJ: basket! you can't wake me up quietly is it?!) i woke & of cos.. she 'kena' from me! *hUmpH* i know i should not have dozed but this lecturer know my 'style' lo~ cos he was my lecturer for another unit. Again as usual, i left the lesson during tea break (AJ: my lecturer best, he can still pass a message saying.. "for those who are staying, please look at page 16 when you come back") *pai seh* Peeps, my lecturer is a Ph.D holder wor.. don't play play eh? Overall, he is a nice guy la.. but 'downloading' wise, no comments *zipped* After that, we had dinner with Bear Bear at Jalan Kayu - prata, indian rojak & chicken.

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