Monday, July 28, 2008

chipped nails do symbolises something!

was at SAFRA Toa Payoh today & supposedly tomorrow as well. anyway, was told that WP wants me back at Depot Road tomorrow to clear my stuffs after the long holidays =P (AJ: always deprive me from working at SAFRA Toa Payoh whenever it is my turn lo) moving on... Lill Janice was really nice.. so nice so that she even called me to ask if i need breakfast! (AJ: thanks dearie~) *muaks* she got me McGriddles + fresh milk from McDonald's... & got her to help me get nail clipper (AJ: don't know why my nail got chipped so early in the morning.. symbolises something bad?) well well... guess my chipped nail does symbolise something bad duh~ the air-conditioning in Aries was down & level 3 was greatly affected too (AJ: Aries got workshop today & tomorrow lo) & the air-con technician took damn long to come fix it (AJ: Jaime called many times.. 8 am, 9 am, 10am & almost close to 11 am lo~) i went up & down the stairs doing some set ups etc. Jaime went with the technicians to find out what exactly happened & realised it was due to power tripped & they resetted the whole box & the air-condition is upped! *phew*

spoke to CC over the phone & got to know she took half day GM off in the afternoon to go 'tui na' (AJ: she also don't know what happened to her leg) told her to come find me at SAFRA Toa Payoh for lunch together with trainer HC before she goes for 'tui na' cos she have lotsa things to share with me about Ms 'CMI' (AJ: you know who you are eh?) i waited & waited.. looked at the clock.. going to be 1300 hr soon & yet CC has not arrived. soon after, received a call from HC ready to go for lunch & we left without CC. shared alot on my personal stuffs with HC.. (AJ: he is one trainer where we always talk whether or not we have courses on & he knows quite abit about me) =P HC is always trying to talk things into me.. (AJ: well, gotta try harder la cos i am not those easily to talk into de) anyway, should i? or should i not? only HC knows what i am talking about here.. *LOL* moving on... he is always so nice to buy me lunch & i have always wanted to buy him back too which he is so gentlemen enough not to make me buy him lunch (AJ: nice people are hard to come by..) at last~ CC arrived & HC back to do his training & as for me? continue second round with CC at Mouth Restaurant! *LOL* (AJ: won't fat is fake one lo) & in between, Charanjit came to find me & we chatted for some time before going back to office to work =P (AJ: hmm.. think people really enjoy yakking with me) *hahaha* my pleasure~ *wide grinz*

after that, sent CC home to get her yoga stuffs & sent her for yoga class at Kovan. before her class starts, we contacted Elise & met up with her for a while at McDonald's & after that, we went seperate ways at about 1800 hr & i went to have my dinner with bear bear.

supposed to meet up with CC & AP after dinner for ice-cream session at Ben & Jerry's at Dempsey.. but apparantly, CC did not call me after her yoga session & i received AP's call instead. drove towards kovan to pick CC yet she say she will be joining her friends for dinner before meeting us. well, i did not want to wait.. so end up i drove my way home =P (AJ: best is AP already changed nicely waiting for us to go out with!) all because of CC~ *sigh* anyway, it was good to be home early though.. can do my stuffs... *tsk tsk* ><

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