Friday, July 4, 2008


juz done with my audition.. told to await results.. (AJ: hope it's good news so can travel for free!) =D

my audition was at 1500 hrs at China Square Central - Cerebos. met a lady there (AJ: don't know her name la, but think i saw 'Vivian Tan').. we were told to fill up forms & read through short passage. i'm done.. was brought to photo-taking by the staff~ & before leaving the room, this lady said 'that' to me! (AJ: those who knows me, you know what's my pan tang word!) *ARGH* & i was like beginning to feel 'sians' already (AJ: whenever this word is used on me.. & THAT'S IT!) =/ but hopefully.. not this time! *fingers xrossed* well, it has never been me at audition today.

*sighz* the processed of the audition; well.. went audition with my current condition~ cough, flu & voiceless (AJ: went to the doctor again this morning, this time am on heavy medication, think i look puffy, sleepy & floating) =P there were 4 judges (all ladies), they asked if i am working today.. my reply: "oh~ i'm on MC today actually." *LOL* all of them laughed~! ok ok, back to the audition, was told to do a catwalk, self introduction, read passage & answer 2 questions (AJ: why read passage eh? anybody knows the rational? even MSU don't need to read lei..). as i was already quite down, so didn't think through much.. just blah la! hmm.. the whole audition lasted for about 20 minutes (AJ: long eh?) left the place, went to carpark to get my lappy & i'm now at coffee bean blogging actually. =) ordered 'buster's weekly cheesecake" & "pure vanila - small". feel so sleepy now.. waiting for AP & gang to finish CARDINAL to go for dinner. *YaWns* =O

Buster's Weekly Cheesecake + Pure Vanilla

anyway, i've been sick for a week already... this is the third time i visited the doctor. got an MC for today duh~ this time doctor say give me heavier medicine & i'll be okay le. (AJ: never in my life tried so many medicine & see doctor so many times lo~) =P

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