Wednesday, 30 July 2008
arrived office today at 0855 hrs with 'special permission' granted by WP (AJ: don't know what got into her) *LOL* CC took bus to my place to tag my car & picked wayne on the way to office. wayne is so sweet & nice that he burnt a copy of jay's songs in mp3 format & 2007 concert in dvd for me (AJ: welcome to jay's world) =) of course, can't wait to listen to jay's songs... loaded the mp3 cd into car disc player! *wide grinz*
my branch had a dialogue session with tweety at level 13's conference room. tweety shared some feedback by other branches on my branch & WP explained our situation to him (AJ: why like this eh? thought we are family???) anyway, i couldn't be much bothered about it.. life still goes on & if that is what you think of us, why don't you sit down & think back if we are really what you assume we are? where has all the 'koyok' on we are family, team ecetra thingy that has all the while been promoted within the centre? seriously, we are really not what you guys think we are.. (AJ: especially me~ i've got nothing to do with it) well, tweety still remember i owe him a bbq function... & preferably, if possible, to have it in september as GM's birthday is on 19 september & to celebrate for him at the same time. tweety was so nice that he offer to come out with the $$$ & all i need to do is to fix a date, what food we want to order & of course gathering of people for the function! anyway, the meeting started at 1000 hr & ended at 1130 hr which is ahead of the given time.
in the afternoon, left for TAB with wayne, mx & py to unload stuffs for cardinal tomorrow (AJ: tomorrow cardinal got 2 places; CAB -> TAB for me, WP & Bev) =P today is my second time at TAB & this time, i get to go to the officer's mess! *excited* heard that it has a very rich british colony 'smell' & all of them said i will like this place very much *grinz* before we travel on the side track of runway, vehicles are required to do a check if we have any FOD stuck to our wheels to prevent damage to planes on the runway. we passed by the runway on our way in.. we saw fighter planes taking off & some preparing to take off *wink* this is really a great experience for me.. have never been so near to a fighter plane! reached officer's mess & indeed it is a very unique & nice place where i really love it very much (AJ: can't explain using words.. you simply have to experience it yourself although tough cos quite strict) after unloading our stuffs, went to the officer's mess for a break & drink with the escorts & co-ordinator. after yakking for about 45 mins, it is time to leave.
went to meet up with AP, CC & Dan for badminton at PSB academy after sending wayne home, MX back to office & py to tiong bahru. i reached at 1910 hr, started at 1925 hr & ended at 2045 hr & we left for lau pat sat to have our dinner.
later, WP, Bev & myself need to be at CAB by 0715 hr! told WP & Bev to meet at 0600 hr at bishan mrt station & i will go pick them up (AJ: the time now is already 0404 hr & yet i am still wide awake blogging away here!) & poor me... i have to wake up at 0500 hr to prepare! *yAwNs* after CAB, we will need to rush all the way to TAB for the next cardinal event. anyway, tomorrow will be the last cardinal event! hope things are smooth & fine without hiccups.
okay, got to go take a short nap now. by the way, can anyone SMS me the routes/directions from Bishan to CAB & from CAB to TAB? much appreciated! Thanks! =)
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