Thursday, July 31, 2008
arrived office today at 0855 hrs with 'special permission' granted by WP (AJ: don't know what got into her) *LOL* CC took bus to my place to tag my car & picked wayne on the way to office. wayne is so sweet & nice that he burnt a copy of jay's songs in mp3 format & 2007 concert in dvd for me (AJ: welcome to jay's world) =) of course, can't wait to listen to jay's songs... loaded the mp3 cd into car disc player! *wide grinz*
my branch had a dialogue session with tweety at level 13's conference room. tweety shared some feedback by other branches on my branch & WP explained our situation to him (AJ: why like this eh? thought we are family???) anyway, i couldn't be much bothered about it.. life still goes on & if that is what you think of us, why don't you sit down & think back if we are really what you assume we are? where has all the 'koyok' on we are family, team ecetra thingy that has all the while been promoted within the centre? seriously, we are really not what you guys think we are.. (AJ: especially me~ i've got nothing to do with it) well, tweety still remember i owe him a bbq function... & preferably, if possible, to have it in september as GM's birthday is on 19 september & to celebrate for him at the same time. tweety was so nice that he offer to come out with the $$$ & all i need to do is to fix a date, what food we want to order & of course gathering of people for the function! anyway, the meeting started at 1000 hr & ended at 1130 hr which is ahead of the given time.
in the afternoon, left for TAB with wayne, mx & py to unload stuffs for cardinal tomorrow (AJ: tomorrow cardinal got 2 places; CAB -> TAB for me, WP & Bev) =P today is my second time at TAB & this time, i get to go to the officer's mess! *excited* heard that it has a very rich british colony 'smell' & all of them said i will like this place very much *grinz* before we travel on the side track of runway, vehicles are required to do a check if we have any FOD stuck to our wheels to prevent damage to planes on the runway. we passed by the runway on our way in.. we saw fighter planes taking off & some preparing to take off *wink* this is really a great experience for me.. have never been so near to a fighter plane! reached officer's mess & indeed it is a very unique & nice place where i really love it very much (AJ: can't explain using words.. you simply have to experience it yourself although tough cos quite strict) after unloading our stuffs, went to the officer's mess for a break & drink with the escorts & co-ordinator. after yakking for about 45 mins, it is time to leave.
went to meet up with AP, CC & Dan for badminton at PSB academy after sending wayne home, MX back to office & py to tiong bahru. i reached at 1910 hr, started at 1925 hr & ended at 2045 hr & we left for lau pat sat to have our dinner.
later, WP, Bev & myself need to be at CAB by 0715 hr! told WP & Bev to meet at 0600 hr at bishan mrt station & i will go pick them up (AJ: the time now is already 0404 hr & yet i am still wide awake blogging away here!) & poor me... i have to wake up at 0500 hr to prepare! *yAwNs* after CAB, we will need to rush all the way to TAB for the next cardinal event. anyway, tomorrow will be the last cardinal event! hope things are smooth & fine without hiccups.
okay, got to go take a short nap now. by the way, can anyone SMS me the routes/directions from Bishan to CAB & from CAB to TAB? much appreciated! Thanks! =)
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
my date with Mr Ph.D... ...
hmm.. have always wanted to run away though, but thought it was kinda bad of me cos have been running away for the past 2 dates! *LOL*
okay okay, think i should give him a chance to prove himself to me that he can make it. alright.. back to him now *fingers xrossed*
Monday, July 28, 2008
chipped nails do symbolises something!
spoke to CC over the phone & got to know she took half day GM off in the afternoon to go 'tui na' (AJ: she also don't know what happened to her leg) told her to come find me at SAFRA Toa Payoh for lunch together with trainer HC before she goes for 'tui na' cos she have lotsa things to share with me about Ms 'CMI' (AJ: you know who you are eh?) i waited & waited.. looked at the clock.. going to be 1300 hr soon & yet CC has not arrived. soon after, received a call from HC ready to go for lunch & we left without CC. shared alot on my personal stuffs with HC.. (AJ: he is one trainer where we always talk whether or not we have courses on & he knows quite abit about me) =P HC is always trying to talk things into me.. (AJ: well, gotta try harder la cos i am not those easily to talk into de) anyway, should i? or should i not? only HC knows what i am talking about here.. *LOL* moving on... he is always so nice to buy me lunch & i have always wanted to buy him back too which he is so gentlemen enough not to make me buy him lunch (AJ: nice people are hard to come by..) at last~ CC arrived & HC back to do his training & as for me? continue second round with CC at Mouth Restaurant! *LOL* (AJ: won't fat is fake one lo) & in between, Charanjit came to find me & we chatted for some time before going back to office to work =P (AJ: hmm.. think people really enjoy yakking with me) *hahaha* my pleasure~ *wide grinz*
after that, sent CC home to get her yoga stuffs & sent her for yoga class at Kovan. before her class starts, we contacted Elise & met up with her for a while at McDonald's & after that, we went seperate ways at about 1800 hr & i went to have my dinner with bear bear.
supposed to meet up with CC & AP after dinner for ice-cream session at Ben & Jerry's at Dempsey.. but apparantly, CC did not call me after her yoga session & i received AP's call instead. drove towards kovan to pick CC yet she say she will be joining her friends for dinner before meeting us. well, i did not want to wait.. so end up i drove my way home =P (AJ: best is AP already changed nicely waiting for us to go out with!) all because of CC~ *sigh* anyway, it was good to be home early though.. can do my stuffs... *tsk tsk* ><
My horoscope for today!
The Bottom Line
Your self control is strong now, so don't be worried if you face any temptations.
In Detail
Your self control is very strong right now, so don't be worried if you face any temptation today -- you can take it. Your willpower will not only give you power over the things you are trying to overcome, it will serve as an inspiration for someone else who is struggling. You should share your story with this person -- don't assume that they can't learn something from your experiences just because your paths are so different. They can, and they will.
nice talking to ya!
really had a long good chat with 'him' just now & of course, got to know more about 'him'! *haha* (AJ: those who knows me... will know who i'm referring to eh?) hmm... moving on, not gonna share anything more than that about 'him' *LOL* anyway, really never expect this day would come ;) hope to have more of such sessions with 'him' *grinz*
Sunday, July 27, 2008
yeah~ tomorrow got 'free' companionship at SAFRA - Janice! *hahaha* she took leave tomorrow & guess what? she took leave to buy things & best is of all place she will be going Toa Payoh to get her stuffs! (AJ: might as well come work at SAFRA, save your leave too!) *LOL* Ok Ok... stop my crap & back to MSN! ;)
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Out of Town from 22 - 26 Jul 08
i'll be out of town from 22 - 26 Jul 08. still thinking of whether i should bring my lappy along with me *thinking* the time now is already 0335 hour & YET... i just finished blogging for 21 Jul 08 =P & now this *LOL* my flight later will be in the morning & YET... haven't pack my luggage!!! ok la~ gotta go pack my luggage & then get some sleep.
take care & i'll be back with more~ ;D *wink*
Lucky Day!
hmm... kinda arrived workplace rather 'early' today =P , was waiting for the lift. the lift came & the lift door opens. Wooweee~ so lucky~ met MA lo! *LOL* we saw each other, acknowledged & he asked me a very funny question "eh? you work here? your office is here meh?" i replied "ya.. or not where? you mean you didn't know?" (AJ: 1st person i bumped into at workplace: 'bumping' into MA really made my day!) really never so 'zhun' before lor! hahaha~ attended a pre-cardinal learning day meeting that is going to happen today & sent out emails. well, didn't have much reaction time at work though. hope CC & E can manage for me while i was away. had a heavy brunch & left for AFS.
there are altogether 9 concurrent on-going workshops & the duration of these workshops exceeded slightly & of course, we ended quite late at about 1745 hr. after the workshops, we went to the mess for a short happy hour thingy. there were so much food so much so that the caterer has to go around asking who wants to packet. while waiting for time to pass before heading back office, AP & CC best.. kept 'sabo-ing' me with that somebody! *ahem* (AJ: so 'pai seh' lo) this 'somebody' was cute. he came forward telling me he has a very sincere question for me~ BUT.. before he could ask me that very sincere question of his, i thought i'd wanted him to help me do a 'favour'. so i suggested we play 'scissors, paper, stone' to see who will get to ask the desired question first & of cos~ i won! well, this is my fave 'trick' lo *hahaha* (AJ: hmm.. not knowing what his question would be, i thought i wanted him to do us a favour by 'ta-bao-ing' the food for WP, which he did!) & this is our 'sentiment story' *ROFL* He wanted a lift back to my office cos he left his pass at the guard house.. (AJ: i know la.. saw me in the morning already forget right? *LOL*) but unfortunately, no more seat for him & don't know why so many people tag me in the end (AJ: there goes my opportunity to yak with & disturb him) these people just don't know how to volunteer so as to create 'opportunity' lo~ (AJ: not referring to those gals tagging me) anyway, not long after he left... we left too.
what are we pointing at? hey AP, where's the 'thing' eh?
(AJ: we've been trying hard to include that 'thing'!) =P
that's the 'thing' we've been trying to include in our shots!
Ms Hercules me!
(AJ: i can carry the aircraft above me!)
arrived at the guard house at workplace, no obstacles when entering (AJ: think they are used to me already, auto-clearance? thanks for the efficiency!) spoke to 'Peter Pan' & he allowed me to park my car along the while we unload the stuffs back to office. after unloading, drove wayne home & clinton to school to submit his assignment. we had dinner at Terence Cao's Hey Hey Steamboat. again.. i ate alot lo! =P (AJ: appetite was very good la!) *ahem* after dinner, drove Elise, AP & CC home.
Hey Hey Hot Pot
Buffet Steamboat Dinner
(AJ: i love the dessert most; bottom right corner)
Sunday, July 20, 2008
A Brand New Look!
i still prefer the plain McGriddles
bear bear wanted to have a haircut since days back... we drove to the salon & well, guess we were too early as it opens at 1100 hr. we walked around a few rounds & bought alot of stuffs for our coming trip (AJ: haven't fly already spent about $100 on toiletries, disposables etc) =P we walked back to the salon.. STILL it is closed (AJ: sighz) suddenly, heard & saw one of the stylist & yet she said her boss is not here yet but she is already on her way & should arrived in no time. at last~ lady boss arrived & this time with her son. of course, not to waste my precious time, me had a haircut, coloured my hair & did a treatment too! the whole process: time in - 1150 hr; time out - 1435 hr (AJ: long eh?)

C.i.P - Coloring-in-Progress
(AJ: bear bear very vain, want to do what i do)
after done with our tressers, we went back to take a bath & send no. 3 to the airport (T3) back to Hong Kong (AJ: a ha~ very soon.. my turn to fly from T3!) *grinz*

my brand new look!
the finished 'product'
(AJ: hmmm... did i put on weight?!)

a glimsp of T3 for the benefit of those who have not been here!
before checking in, we had some afternoon snacks at Crystal Jade Shanghai Restaurant. i love the 'xiao long bao' very tasty & nice; & i love the double-boiled sharks bone with chicken soup!

Crystal Jade Shanghai Restaurant @ T3

Above: 'Kou Shui Ji' (Left), 'Xiao Long Bao'(Right)
Bottom: 'Double-boiled Sharks Bone w/ Chicken Soup' (Left), 'Tung Po Rou w/ Buns' (Right)
after sending no. 3, we went departure viewing hall to watch aeroplanes.

*smile* =D
on my way, heading for dinner

another beautiful view of Singapore!
(AJ: taken using Sony Cybershot T70)

Thursday, July 17, 2008
~*~*~*~*~*~ HaPpY BiRtHdAy AP ~*~*~*~*~*~
H a P p Y B i R t H d A Y

May all your wishes come true
A Birthday Fulla 'Happies'!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
AFS & Back to School
On our way to office, i had cravings for McGriddles & suggested to AP to get breakfast from McDonald's since we don't have much time later. *tsk tsk* We SMS-ed & bought breakfast for most of them. SMS-ed & rang Danny that i'll be reaching very soon cos i am at the traffic junction outside! He was very funny, thinking that i am pulling his leg & he thought that i am somewhere far still! *LOL* Reached, had a smooth access at the security check area & it is very nice of him to allow me to park at carpark E BUT i will have to leave latest by 10 + cos there will be visits in the afternoon by some big shots.
The time is now 1015 hr... time to leave for AFS. Before we head for AFS, i thought we should at least have our lunch or else our stomach may growl during the session later! =P (AJ: all of us just took our breakfast at 0900 hr plus lo~) PY bought 'shui jing bao' x 10 & we, the gals had porridge + side dishes for lunch. (AJ: No choice la peeps... my image is at stake so can't afford to growl during the session) =P Best is.. AP & Bev both said they aren't hungry, are still full yet can still eat with me & finished up all the food! *hiaks*
Reached AFS, proceeded to workshop venues & waited for time to come; 1300 hr to kick start the first group attending the workshop. I sat through Chris's session on 'Engaging Your Heart through Emotional Intelligence'... he started out with an opening, self intro & an ice-breaker named 'Traffic Jam' (AJ: this ice-breaker is not easy to resolve de) & soon we were brought into the topic (AJ: felt as if i was brought into twilight zone~ heavy & drowsy) xP There were altogether 3 groups; rotational basis to attend the workshop... (AJ: imagine i sat thru 3 times) *yAwNs* This message is to Bev cos she was the one who allocated us to the workshops - 'you win already... this is the last time uh' *LOL*
The whole learning day ended at 1800 hr & the weather was cool & wet & before we leave, we got the chance to take a picture of the aircraft model! *hee*
Today, is also my first day back to school~ (AJ: boring...) School is at City Hall area, alighted Kai & Bev at Raffles City to catch the MRT & AP accompanied me for lesson. As usual, i am always sleepy during the first part of the lesson, very naturally.. i dozed off a couple of times (AJ: very naturally really! it always happen for every lesson..) =P *haha* & i know my lecturer saw me dozing off BUT i have tried my best to stay awake!!! (AJ: tough lei~) Then this AP very bad, she was sitting beside me... suddenly she slapped my thigh so hard with a loud thud *THUD!!!* i jumped! (AJ: basket! you can't wake me up quietly is it?!) i woke & of cos.. she 'kena' from me! *hUmpH* i know i should not have dozed but this lecturer know my 'style' lo~ cos he was my lecturer for another unit. Again as usual, i left the lesson during tea break (AJ: my lecturer best, he can still pass a message saying.. "for those who are staying, please look at page 16 when you come back") *pai seh* Peeps, my lecturer is a Ph.D holder wor.. don't play play eh? Overall, he is a nice guy la.. but 'downloading' wise, no comments *zipped* After that, we had dinner with Bear Bear at Jalan Kayu - prata, indian rojak & chicken.
Monday, July 14, 2008
It started out just another day~
Well, reached office at my 'usual' timing... the air-conditioning in office is super cold! *sHiveRs* The first call at work today was like heart attack. Received a call from Tai Ling that one of my participant came for my course at SAFRA TPY (AJ: Workplace Harmony was cancelled & HR only sent out email to inform participants on Friday & this lady was not in office on Friday lo~) Informed Elise & tried calling LC but unable to get her *sigh* thus, emailed LC on this issue & told her to give that participant a call (AJ: the participant was upset & wants HR to call her). After that, Bev gathered us for RC where we shared issues & happenings at work for last week & this upcoming week & then BeV, AP, PY & myself proceeded for another meeting for tomorrow's CARDINAL event at AFS skipped breakfast & concluded for brunch. Left for brunch at 1200 hr... took a cab to TBP & had our lunch at Ajisen (AJ: not bad la.. improved as compared to many years back when I first tasted) & I had scallop ramen in tom yam soup. Lunched & did abit of shopping (AJ: didn't want to shop de, but happened to walk pass the shop where I have been bio-ing the blouse for sometime already) =P Tried quite a few pieces, I bought 3 pieces & CC 1 piece & our total expense allows us to get a bag of our choice for free (AJ: hmm... didn't know I bought so many till in the cab =P) After that, went to The Faceshop with AP cos she wants to get a blusher & I bought a make-up base. On our way to the taxi stand, I bought Green Tea McFlurry which I have always wanted to give it a try & God knows... it melted & turned green tea milk! (AJ: Clinton la.. i was enjoying my McFlurry & he called me to help him on his assignment) In fact, I wanted to do my CARDINAL stuffs & end up do his assignment till 1805 hr & Clinton say he help me on my CARDINAL stuffs (AJ: thanks lo.. do until no standard!!!) yet I will need to re-do it tomorrow! *argh* Met up with Bear Bear & had herbal lamb soup with rice for dinner & bought many fruits... lychee, mangosteen & cherries! *LOL* (AJ: actually, all these serve as titbits & snacks for me whenever my mouth itchy la.. have been munching 3 packets of Chipster in 2 days lo~) Time to lose weight~ my 'tyres' are showing themselves unconsciousy! Hmm.. or anyone out there has any effective slimming ways to share with me?
i love F.R.U.I.T.s~ especially mangosteen!
(AJ: don't know why lately have cravings for mangosteen..
anyway, also my snacks & titbits... no more chips for me!) *ZaPPed*
fast-seller mangosteen juice drink! *sLuRps*
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Thank U for the Support! 1,000 Hits!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
HaPpY BiRtHDaY to Mom & Florence!
My 3rd sister who didn't wake me up!
(AJ: hey don't think I don't know you manipulate with my post eh?)

Shark's Fins; i love to add alot of vinegar to it!
(AJ: it was always tasty every visit.. but not sure why today abit lose out)

Drunken Prawns in Herbal Soup
Triple Eggs with Vegetables
Deep Fried Ginger Frog
Sambal KangKong
'Jing Yin Ji'
(AJ: another type of cooking style.. don't know what's called in English)
Chilli & Butter Milk Crab + 'Man Tou'! *YuMmY*
(AJ: Butter Milk Crab; ALL TIME FAVOURITE dish there!)
Complimentary Fruit Platter
(AJ: where's our durian?) =P

Happy Birthday!
Friday, July 11, 2008
the first ride..
drove to TAB. on our way there, WP said 'he' may not be coming for the meeting cos his car broke down (AJ: kinda sad lo~) *sighx* the journey was rather long. at last! arrived at TAB & met up with our escorts, changed our passes & i waited in the car for the escorts to be ready to bring us in. WP came in my car during the wait & she got an SMS from 'him' that he will be coming for the meeting & was on his way in a cab! (AJ: haha.. God is kind afterall!) =) the whole meeting ended quite fast just that the reccee-ing part on the venue took quite some time as we need to wait, walk, opening up of the venues & see if venue is conducive for learning. i was told that there is a room where it cannot be accessible & 'rumoured' to be haunted *gulped* while waiting for the door of the other room to be opened, a guy in uniform walked into the restricted room! WP was so excited & asked me & MX if we saw someone going into that room! of course, we said 'no lei.. where got people walked in? you bumped into 'something' is it?!' *shivers* WP gave us the dubious look of hers & she asked 'him' if he saw what she saw... and of course, 'he' was so natural & said 'no.. was there anyone? i didn't see people' (AJ: of course we saw la~ just trying to scare her out! well, didn't expect 'he' can react & act on with us!) *LOL* anyway, think WP 'faking' la.. she knows we saw what she saw just that we are trying to scare her out of her wits! *haha* whatever it is... moving on~ finally, done with the reccee-ing & time to leave. got a 'special' request from 'him' & of course, i agreed & this WP kept asking me if i am sure i want to give 'him' a ride *why not?* (AJ: WP like reluctant to bring him along in my car... too bad lo, the decision is mine!) *bleah* well, he is kinda vain i would say. he said he needs to go get changed & to wait outside for him! not an issue, we went to the ladies & guess what? he can really take long to change lo.. 3 ladies went to the washroom & hes not even ready *haha* at last! hes out... & his shirt looks crumpled~ (AJ: hmm... 'he' does look good in both uni & cv attire) =P
alright... i 'chauffeured' the 3 of them & left TAB at about 1800 hr plus (AJ: can't remember.. should be around that timing). as usual, WP took the front seat (AJ: how could you let a guy sit behind eh? ego is at stake lo~) WP was so noisy during the journey (AJ: those who knows WP, you all know la.. her volume damn loud de) anyway, MX & 'him' alighted at Toa Payoh MRT & WP at her house - again (AJ: always make me send her back down her block) *bleah* =P & called it a day!
Yay!!! I Passed My Exams!!!
Left office at 2030 hr with CC, AP & PY, booked a cab to Balestier 24 hr hawker/foodcourt for our dinner (AJ: super famished & yet AP & CC kept wanting to take photographs) *faint* On our way in the cab, I went online to MSN & saw the side note of D showing 'RESULTS OUT!!!' I quickly logged in to the Monash portal for results viewing~ (AJ: fingers xcossed)
When I arrived at the unofficial academic webpage, I thought to myself... 'At least a Credit pls' & got myself mentally prepared, took a deep breath, gathered a lot of guts... closed my eyes & there I placed my cursor on the scroller & scrolled down in just a second! ... guess what??? Yay!!! Finally.. the long awaited~ I passed my exams for semester 1/08! *wink* Got a credit of the same score for both units (AJ: YES!) !!! *grinz* Well, my sleepless nights before exam has not gone into waste =P I guess it must be God has been blessing & watching over me all the way till now & will still be when i was preparing for my exams. Why so? In fact, I only started my revision the day (AJ: usually I'll started after 0100 hr as the night will be silent but will doze off in between also =P ) before my actual exam date by glancing through the powerpoint slides (AJ: I know you guys sure can't believe it) I must say that I have been very fortunate =X & I know... to believe in GOD is of course not the way out =P but you just got to believe!
hmm... very soon semester 2/08 is going to resume & I still have another 3 more units to go *faint* I must complete it & I know I can do it! Mlonash here I come! ;D
me @ SAFRA Toa Payoh
*YaWns* me now at SAFRA Toa Payoh... supposed to do asset stock take but well, slacking & blogging *sleepy* >.<
later need to go back depot road after this.. then head down to tengah airbase for cardinal meeting. *bored* what's next eh?
Thursday, July 10, 2008
The Bad Goes & Here Comes the GOOD!
i was lying on my bed & without knowing it, i dozed off. i woke up in the wee hours & feel like taking a bath. now got so energized, can't get back to sleep =P i towelled my hair dry & comb it... suddenly, don't know what happened my hair got terribly entangled! =P *sheesh* i just can't manage to release the entanglement... (AJ: i tried applying conditioner & washing it off too!) it was already so late, i have to make a decision on the spot; should i continue to try untangle it & miss my sleep or forget it & snip it off?! well, i have decided to make an effective decision that is to use a scissors & snip it off! (AJ: heartaching! *ouch*)
at last.. free from the entanglement. i took a look at the comb & realised it is quite a bunch of hair being snipped off!!! *sobs* so worried what is the 'pattern' on the snipped area, well can't see wat happened to the area where i snipped off my hair, hope it is fine =P
hmm.. actually very strange, for no reason my hair got entangled. well, hope the bunch of hair which i snipped off brings me good health, good fortune, good life, good people.. & many more good up ahead! EVERYTHING GOOD la! ;D
Rainbow after Rain & YES!!! I Passed My Exams!!!
It was another raining day in the morning & all prepared to leave for work. During the journey, I saw a rainbow~ (AJ: hmm.. is it a good sign? afterall, snipped off my hair le... not bad eh morning already see rainbow~ hope everything GOOD comes!) & took pictures of it.

See the RAINBOW so niceee!
(AJ: A beautiful scenary to start the day!)
Can you see there are 2 Rainbows?

the usual jam on my way to work =P
Left office at 2030 hr with CC, AP & PY, booked a cab to Balestier 24 hr hawker/foodcourt for our dinner & then crossed the street to the herbal shop for desserts (AJ: super famished & yet AP & CC kept wanting to take photographs) *faint* Barney & Friends! (AJ: notice the colour of CC's attire; do you see Barney?)

CMD's Barney! =P
(AJ: CC & Barney)

the Kung Fu Pandas!~
Cat Face! *MeOw*
Mission of the Evening: Stick out your tongue & touch the nose!
the cock-eyed
not forgetting my 'baby' before leaving for dinner...
Dinner: Teochew Porridge & Gui Lin Gao for me
Well, my sleepless nights before exam has not gone into waste =P I guess it must be God has been blessing & watching over me all the way till now & will still be when i was preparing for my exams. Why so? In fact, I only started my revision the day (AJ: usually I'll started after 0100 hr as the night will be silent but will doze off in between also =P ) before my actual exam date by glancing through the powerpoint slides (AJ: I know you guys sure can't believe it) I must say that I have been very fortunate =X & I know... to believe in GOD is of course not the way out =P but you just got to believe!
hmm... very soon semester 2/08 is going to resume & I still have another 3 more units to go *faint* I must complete it & I know I can do it! Mlonash here I come! ;D
An Eventful Day!
at last~... my vocal is regaining back slowly (AJ: although still abit of 'zao sia' when i talk) & could at least sing too! *LOL* BUT~ poor AP... she is down with the same virus & of course living with the 'zao sia' vocal =P
WP will not be in from 9 - 10 Jul 08, Elise & MX on course for these 2 days as well. i reached office at 0845 hr today (AJ: raining & jam lo~) =P luckily did not bump into any of the 'Royal Family' members & that 'CISCO' is not around cos she went for dental. *pHew* have been hearing around that boss is going to take action on latecomers (AJ: not as if we latecomers go home on the dot... we stayed back in office to do work almost everyday lo~) & he will be highlighting in our upcoming diaglogue session probably on the 28 Jul 08. whatever it is, even if the implementation of choice of working hours (e.g. start work at 8 am or 8:30 am) or cutting of salary etc. still will late de lo. =/ *sighz* let's put this issue aside... (AJ: aiya, don't want to think about it).
today, HC is doing training over at CMD & he jio-ed for lunch. hmm... told HC another day as i have lunch appointment with a friend. told HC if we lunch, he'll need to bring my kakis along too! *haha* HC was so 'shuang kuai' & agreed, asking me to let him know who are my usual kakis & he will pop by someday whether or not there is training to drive us out for lunch in his new car! (AJ: HC bought a new Mercz lo~... but still i prefer another) *LOL* anyway, met up with my friend for lunch later in the morning. have been sms-ing each other earlier what to have for lunch & i was 'bullied' to think of what & where to eat cos he'll be driving (AJ: bully ki chi) *bleah* end up, he suggested to have duck rice which is near Lorong Sari (AJ: by the way duck rice is fattening cos of the duck gravy & rice & i'm trying to lose my kilos! i've put on 4 kg in 2 months!) where my late grandpa used to stay! *sobs* (AJ: hope i didn't put on more) we had a looooooooong chat over lunch & time really flies, it is time to head back office (AJ: thanks for the lunch & company) =D on my way back to the office, CC called & asked me to go for second round (AJ: Tiong Bahru Market so far lei) hence turned them down. looking at the clock.. kinda early still, sms-ed HC & looked him up at the training room. we decided to go for a drink (AJ: supposed to accompany him for lunch, end up he ate apple cos i was caught up with another trainer in between), got to see his new shiny Mercedes (AJ: nice 'toy' he've got.. HC upgraded from an Avante to Mercedes) & he sure do know how to pamper himself. *hmm*
later in the evening, went toastmasters with AP, CC, Bev & Leslie with invitation by Daniel. the 4 of us shared a cab to Cheng San CC where the toastmasters session will be held & Leslie to make his way from Chevrons to join us. the session started, it was rather eye-opening for us who are guests for that evening. alot of sharing & presentation were done in the session till after teabreak, there is one segment "table topic" & CC was 'arrowed' by Daniel to go up to speak! *LOL* & of course, after CC... it was my turn to be 'arrowed' by her.
after the toastmasters session, the 5 of us took the MRT to Newton for dinner/supper. we ordered so much food.. stingray, sotong, kang kong, gong gong, la la, crispy chicken, satay & fried oyster with egg! (AJ: hmm.. eat so much sure put on weight again =P) gosh.. really have to watch my diet le else no more value =P
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Taiwan or Hong Kong?
bear bear came to picked me up and we met up with mao & min at chinatown to check on travel package. we are planning to go taiwan or hong kong & asked around the travel agencies. hmm.. again i am thinking if i should join the trip because i guess school is going to reopen soon & i will miss my lessons & worst still, need to rush my assignments by then *argh* how? how? how? in fact, wanted to go japan with AP but bear bear say wait till winter then decide either japan or europe. =/ have not done any booking though.. may be back either on thursday or friday to confirm.
at the same time, i bought crystals for my nails to re-do my nails.. (AJ: the manicurist i went is lousy, i definitely can do a better job) then we were lazy to go else where & had dinner at the foodcourt in B1. anyway, don't know what to eat... had chicken rice & bear bear had yong tau foo (AJ: guys also on diet these days) *LOL*
Monday, July 7, 2008
Drowsy Monday @@
finally, my vocal improved... got some voice to yak *yay* yet abit 'heng' in way because got so many phone calls to answer (AJ: my vocal is back not for the purpose of answering phone calls lo) & lotsa emails to reply whether or not under my purview (AJ: was on MC on Friday, not nice to foward to respective PE so just attend to it) as usual, had brunch.. ate chicken teriyaki spaghetti at rocky master and Bev's boyfriend 'Johnny' was so niceee that he asked about my condition if i am well. *smiles* (AJ: thanks Johnny for your concern!) after lunch, accompanied AP to the doctor (AJ: she was infected by cough too). it was so packed at the clinic, AP was told she have to wait for at least half to one hour... suggested to AP to come back later in the afternoon.
back at work.. skipped lunch & continued with my work. time really flew fast, the next time i looked at the clock, it is already 1600 hr. at last! K.O time! left office at 1815 hr.. went dinner with bear bear & jason. wanted to bring them eat bbq chicken wings.. when i reached then recalled Monday is their off-day & ended up went to Casuarina eat fishhead steamboat (AJ: took photographs but with Jason)... it is operated by authentic hong konger & the fish is fresh with generous serving of soup! (AJ: the soup replenished is not water.. but really the boiled soup whereas other places are diluted) after dinner, had cravings for prata.. yet was told i putting on weight~ *lame* (AJ: prata shop is just beside lo~) & head home.
(insert photo)
Friday, July 4, 2008
Buster's Weekly Cheesecake + Pure Vanilla
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Still not well.. coughed & vomitted.. *sobz* ='<
back at my seat, rested... again, coughed & coughed non-stop (AJ: this time, the silent killer cough!) & this cough very weird.. soundless!!! (AJ: me so 'ke lian' right?!) this time, cough till chest & neck & face & eyes turn reddish & teared! again, went washroom to cough like nobody's business... vomitted my breakfast out (AJ: really feel like dying~) not sure what triggered this effect.. can it be the chinese herbal drink or? well, made up my mind already.. going to give Patrick my balance packets of herbs.. & NEVER IN MY LIFE FOR TCM!!!!! =X
think i may be 'zou huo ru mo' le @@ (AJ: dizzy & floating mind now)
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Coughing Upside-down... left & right! =P
new experiment; my new dosage
Concoction: boil for half-hr per packet with a bowl of water;
& re-boil for another half-hr with another bowl of water
in the packet: deer pieces, some tree bark, white fungus,
black farney stuffs, grasshoppers & dunno whatever!
(AJ: see the grasshoppers!!!)
HaPpY AnNi!
today is our anniversary... bear bear arranged to have dinner at miramar hotel - ikoi japanese restaurant. heard from many people this place serves very nice japanese food & sashimi & most importantly, requires reservation! bear bear reserved a table for 2 at 2000 hr.
the daily ala carte buffet!

ambience of restaurant

the ala carte buffet menu
wheres my food? *hungry*
finally! food!!! eh.. did i order this?
wow! so much food & somemore on its way! =D
ate till very full... i was still coughing badly (AJ: of course la.. everything & anything also eat mah~) =P took eastern medicine & headed home. *cough* *cough*