Sunday, August 24, 2008

summary of events (part 1)... =P

have been really busy for the past weeks... a glimsp of the past week~

Saturday, 16 August 2008

- lunch with AP & CC at Geylang Bahru hawker (i.e. fishball soup & mutton soup w/ rice)
- attended my first lesson for Strategic Managment out of the 3 conducted so far =P
- mmm... can't remember what i did after school *LOL*

Sunday, 17 August 2008

- TMC working on IM assignment due on 18 Aug 08
- had some food at Sakae
- continued working on IM assignment at NLB

Monday, 18 August 2008 (IM A1 deadline)

- work cum IM assignment till 2130 hr, didn't manage to complete assignment though =P
- dinner at thomson
- home, continue to work on IM assignment!

Tuesday, 19 August 2008

- touching up of IM assignment
- CMD touchtime by MX & Devi; theme - National Day
- IM class with Bev (AJ: Bev wanted to 'visit' my lecturer), submitted IM assignment at last!

Wednesday, 20 August 2008

- lunch at Great World City with AP, Elise, CC, Bev, Wayne & BB @ Ichiban Boshi
- bought a pair of pink shoes from Novo
- dinner at Khai's house & made new friends!

Lunch @ Great World City @ Ichiban Boshi
From left: Bev, Elise, AP & me

From left: BB, Wayne & CC

my lunch + 2 plates of corronett vanilla

Thursday, 21 August 2008

- drinks cum chat with HC
- 'bumped' into tweety & royal family wherever i go
- left office at 2320 hr with Bev & CC
- dinner at Maxwell hawker (porridge)

Friday, 22 August 2008

- Suntec City, NUSS Guild House facilitating 'The Cool & Calm Series' with Wayne

- lunch at 'Fei Cui La Mian & Xiao Long Bao' (AJ: thanks Wayne!)
- September's touchtime discussion with Wayne
- ACP L&D Portal discussion with Wayne
- Tiffany & Co. on Bear Bear's watch
- shopping
- dinner @ NYDC with AP & CC till almost 0200 hr

The Cool & Calm Series participants (22 Aug 08)

Lunch @ 'Fei Cui La Mian & Xiao Long Bao'
with compliments by Wayne! *tsk tsk*

my dinner + dessert @ N.Y.D.C

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