Monday, August 11, 2008

God Bless Me!

erm... well, i am supposed to submit my assignment 1 for international management today by 9 pm! unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances... i couldn't make it! *sobs* did some reflections, probably i took it lightly this time round (AJ: again! & as usual...) & i have been sleeping my time away =P ok ok... will try to work on it later~ (AJ: no matter what, die die must complete it by morning later!) so that i can rush to school & drop my assignment immediately when the office is open!

hope i will not get penalize duh~ Dear God, please bless me! A-MEN! *grinz* =

anyway, left office at 2045 hr with AP then went dinner at David's stall at pasir panjang food market with bear bear.. had alot of food! we ordered 6 dishes in total - rojak, 'pang pang' ji, sambal kang kong, gong gong, BBQ 'yellow' squid & oyster omelette! *YuMMy* erm.. don't know why~ have been eating alot lately. stress? work? assignment? life? aiya! whatever la... just live life to the fullest! do what you want.. eat what you want! when the time is up then face it! *hahaha*

ok ok, i know.. cut the crap ya? alright~ got to go shower & continue with my assignment.. else really gone case =P *boring*

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