again, slept at my usual hour tis morning at 0445 hr & woke up quite a few times in between (AJ: i forced myself to sleep thru the day) & i finally woke up at 1715 hr, check my handphone & saw his sms to meet up later at night to pass him Mr Sketch! so happy~ *LOL* BUT... i forgot to bring Mr Sketch back with me & it is still in my office cabinet!!! *argh* @#$%^ anyways, replied him next time perhaps cos Mr Sketch is not with me *sigh* he replied: "or collect from office tonight and go villa bali to thank me? :p" OMG~ he is serious eh? it's 7th month now, go back at night abit scary ya? =P i replied him next time cos not the right 'timing' to go back retrieve it =P
went dinner with bear bear at sushi tei...

dinner: my all time fave~ Jappy!!!
met up with AP after that. she suggested i should go back office for Mr Sketch & she will accompany me to go up office *hahaha* & WE DID!!! *LOL* SMS-ed him after getting Mr Sketch with us & we waited at the carpark opposite. here he comes, passed him Mr Sketch & this AP suggested to him to join us for ice-cream session & he was friendly enough to join us! *faint* (AJ: hey AP, he so tired the whole day out lo.. can't even let him rest.. hahaha) *heart pain* tsk tsk... he suggested to go for a drink instead at villa bali but not quite sure if our attire (gals) can gain entry & the idea was abolished. after that he said he wanted to try the new magnum ice-cream that has 'something' in it at the nearest 7-11 & i suggested the nearest to our office & this AP was like 'har?!... there?! don't want la~!" *pengz* & we ended up at McDonald's! *LOL* he led the way & we tagged behind him.. he looked cute & cool with his spectacles on *HAHA* (AJ: can imagine cute & cool together?) i observed that he was quite a gentlemen be it conversing, SMS, walking, on the road, parking or ordering of food blah blah blah... anyways, i had green tea mcflurry, AP had hot fudge sundae & large fries & MA had ice-milo (AJ: hmm.. seems like he loves drinking ice-milo. he bought ice-milo too when we met to go meeting at CAB & this is the 2nd time he rode in my car~ aiyo... like small boy) *grinz* well, he thinks that i am younger than him & AP erm.. *zipped* =X *LOL* revealed my age to him & he was shocked~ (AJ: real shocked or just trying to make me happy?) hahaha..
the 3 of us had a long chat from 0000 hr till 0050 hr cos AP noticed his eyes turning red... & we decided to leave for home (AJ: hey AP, where my photo-taking session with him?) *sad* =< style="font-family:trebuchet ms;">on the road, AP didn't feel like going home.. & we drove to another McDonald's for a drink! (AJ: super bo liaoz eh?) we chatted abit in my car, snapped some crappy shots & sent her home at 0245 hr, saw her up safely to her doorstep & i went home.
My next mission: to take a shot with MA!!!

AP's 喜怒哀乐!
my 喜怒哀乐!
爱的就是你! *LOL*
just us!
the crappiest ever?!
(AJ: trying to scare who eh?) *LOL*
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