Monday, August 11, 2008

New 'Official' Working Hour Starts Today!

with effect from today, my working hour will start at 0830!!! (AJ: by right officially should start at 0800 hr la~) *LOL* how come so good? cos our boss~ very people-oriented... he noticed that we always come in late... SO?! out of goodwill, he implemented the 'flexi hour' work pattern to 'suit' our 'traffic flow' into office at the risk of his life! =P

i reached office at 0820 hr today.. (AJ: not bad eh? at least i didn't disappoint him!) & this AP best.. came in at 0840 hr! *LOL* worst than me lo.. TM somemore (AJ: hey AP, wake up your idea k? you want to take over me eh?) probably, she wants to take over my 'title' on punctuality at work? *LOL* well, let's encourage one another to be in office by 0830 hr! *gambatte* =)

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