woke up at 1215 hr today.. washed up, MSN-ed, went through strategic management assignment 1 & blogged till 1430 hr. after that, went shower & prepare myself to meet up with AP & CC at J8 (AJ: wanted to get a gift for lill Jan)
showered & changed... wanted to put on titus watch but don't know why the strap broke, wanted to use a white puffy tote bag but don't know why the strap broke too!!! (AJ: is it an omen or a lucky symbol?) left home for J8 at 1555 hr. met up with AP, we were looking around for cute soft toys. we went action city to precious thots to mini toons. while walking towards mini toons, guess who i saw?! i saw MA!!! *wink* i practically saw him walking pass us as he was sms-ing & pointed him to AP! (AJ: didn't expect to be able to see him this soon!) *wide grinz* wondering what he was doing at J8 cos he was supposed to bring his overseas friends around. don't know what has got into AP, she was so DARING that she approached MA~ (AJ: hey AP, didn't see you so proactive towards Dan eh?) & talked to him! i was like can't wait to find a hole to hide & i bumped into CC & told her i saw MA & AP is there pointing me to him! i tried hiding in between passerbys & walked into mini toon to hide =P (AJ: wa kao~ so embarassed) i continued to look for gift for lill Jan & AP came to me & said: "wa lao eh.. where you go? i was talking to him & pointing you to him yet can't find you lo~!" AP said MA went into popular to grab some books & will come look for us after that (AJ: AP, you best!) we bought the gift & went for late lunch at the foodcourt. CC & i ordered omelette tomato rice with chicken cutlet + coke zero & this AP very attentive, kept helping me look out for MA *faint* time passed, didn't see him.. walked pass popular, AP went in to see if he was still around (AJ: AP couldn't find him cos he left) & we went level 1 to get my watch fixed. sms-ed 'him' & asked if he is still in popular.. after a while, he replied: "hey i was rushing to church. so grabbed what i wanted and left already" *sad* missed him this time.. & my mission is supposed to snap a photograph with him =P *LOL* next time perhaps? hope fate don't play us out? =P
the three of us bought clothes at fox (AJ: we each bought the same design but different colour top) *hahaha* after that, met up with bear bear for dinner along Lim Tua Tow road where we had thai cuisine & i must say that this is so much better to the one we ate in RenThai at Clarke Quay & this meal costs us only $76.90~ which is very much cheaper than RenThai where we paid $198 on Friday! #$%^&* after dinner, went serangoon gardens for ice-cream~ & sent CC & AP home.
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