Thursday, August 14, 2008


Wednesday, 13 August 2008

i was caught in a super jam today on my way to work. the radio was broadcasting that somewhere at bukit timah area had an accident since morning & i reached office close to 0900 hr!!! (AJ: OMG! i know i am really super LATE!)

moving on.. i have decided to clear my tons & tons of work (AJ: finally some "free" time for me to clear my work after all the cardinal, meetings, leave & holidays!) BUT.. meeting for me has been on-going still *ahem* anyway, will try to priortise my work else really in deep sh*t! *censored* went teabreak after working on some stuffs.. was walking with CC to tower A for breakfast (AJ: i had fishball wanton soup + lime & calamansi drink) & i saw ah hong & pointed him to CC & CC so 'thick skin'! shouted across to ah hong... "biao di!!!" (AJ: hey! he is not your 'biao di' lo~) & he smiled & waved at us *faint* ah hong indeed is quite a nice boy... he will ask about me if he has not seen me for some time! (AJ: so touched!)

went for lunch with AP, CC, Bev, MX, Clinton & Wayne at sushi tei, vivo city. as usual, ordered sashimi, sashimi salad & chawanmushi! (AJ: just crazy over japanese food la!) after lunch, we went to get a gift for Roland & we bought a crocodile orange-grey stripes polo-tee (AJ: shared by my whole branch suddenly.. which i thought what duh?!) well, Bev gift wrapped it & passed to Roland & what is 'best' is supposedly only 7 of us shared for the gift & end up the rest of the people in the branch wanted to join in! (AJ: well, if we didn't buy.. would you guys thought of getting Roland a gift before he leaves?) *sigh*

back in office.. continued with my work & was also chatting on msn with my ex-classmates & it has been a long time all of us met! probably, we will arrange for a gathering when fiona comes back from Hong Kong *grinz* left office close to 1900 hr & don't know what is wrong with me.. started to feel unwell since 1600 hr plus & was bearing with it & working at the same time =< (AJ: think don't need to elaborate ya?) took a cab & went dinner with AP, CC & Isaring at toa payoh hub. i had herbal chicken with rice (AJ: actually no appetite.. just afraid anytime will LS & vomit & go into hunger stage so just eat la!) the four of us had a long & good chat... & went home after that. while walking with CC to take a cab, got that funny 'feeling' again.. & well, don't need to guess~ WHAT TIME IS IT? IT'S TOILET TIME! *LOL* =P this time LS + vomit big time.. *yucks* =P really need to be home soon to 'continue' home at last!!! went shower & continue with the "production'!!! *LOL* feeling really weak now.. going to rest~ *Zzz*

erm.. not sure if i can make it for tomorrow's session at PLAB with Bev *fingers crossed* else she will have to go there alone =/ well, let God decide? =P

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