today is the last day i will be at safra for duty for the week! & the programme for today!
1) branch breakfast
2) branch meeting from 0830 hr in Aquarius (Part 1)
3) lunch at mouth restaurant
4) branch meeting from 1500 hr in Aquarius (Part 2)
5) meeting on L.E.A.D Programme with Roy & trainers in conference room
didn't take photographs of lunch cos i don't find it superb.. & not value for money too, BUT i snapped my dessert duh~ =) *slurp*
(AJ: i love this mango pudding~ very nice!)
i ended my day at 1830 hr at safra. coming up next on my programme, dinner with AP, Elise, CC & Wayne (AJ: shucks.. didn't want to go at first cos i know surely very late!) & in my mind, i have my assignment that is going to be due this coming monday - 11 Aug 08! & i have yet to start doing anything! =P still, we went Jumbo @ dempsey for dinner.. each of us only cough out with $26.60 which is rather a good deal! we had drunken prawns, chilli crab with fried 'mantou', fried fritters with paste, baby kailan with garlic & oyster sauce, roast chicken & fried noodles.. & the service here is good i must say, they even helped you put on a bib for crab eating, & the serving time is super fast! *thumbs up* ;)

dinner: Jumbo @ Dempsey

Waiter putting on bib for them...
Top: Wayne & CC
Bottom: AP & Elise
(AJ: where's me? taking photographs for them la!) =P
the night started to rain from small to medium to heavy! *hahaha* we quickly settled the bill & ran across to ben & jerry's for part 2! we ordered 'Merlionster' National Day 'Bigger' version, compliments of AP, which costs her $28 (w/o GST) =) (AJ: thanks AP!) the 5 of us shared 'Merlionster'.. erm... kinda not enough for consumption ya? =P (AJ: my favourite B&J's flavors - Choccolate Therapy & Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough!) we sat throughout the night.. yakking, gossiping & laughing away (AJ: didn't know wayne so 'ji po' too?) *LOL* looked at my watch, it is getting late.. left & sent all of them home.
B&J's 'Merlionster' National Day 'Bigger' Version
with 2 dry toppings, cookie & brownie pieces
(Flavors: Chocolate Therapy, Chocoloate Brownie Fudge,
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, Chocolate Mint, Cherry Garcia, Strawberry Cheesecake)
From left: Wayne, AP, CC, Elise & me!
human traffic light? *LOL*
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