went dinner with AP & CC at Hog's Breathe Cafe at vivo city. well... still have my assignment that is going to be due on Monday (18/8) on my mind & this AP tempted me with B&J's! (AJ: nice approach eh?) i don't find the food at Hog's Breathe Cafe nice (AJ: won't want go back for more) what is nice then? every friday, a young man will be there singing... he has a good vocal with good emotions & of course.. good looks~ *hehehe* on this night, most of the songs he sang relates very well about AP's feeling & thoughts on her recent love encounter =P *zipped* (AJ: hey AP! move on la! there are ample tress out there for you to chop!) *LOL* anyways, AP applauded for this young man thinking it was his last song & she was abit embarrassed & this young man was so touched & continued singing!

Hog's Breathe Cafe @ Vivo City
Top right: Bar counter
Bottom: Singing corner (Left); Partial dining area (Right)
our dinner for the night!
appetisers & main course!
after dinner, supposed to go B&J's for my ice-cream.. but don't know why we walked & walked & AP felt like going KTV & we went to search for sweater for me. couldn't find a nice one.. ended up we took train to potong pasir & settled down at macdonald's! (AJ: hey AP! where's my B&J's???) *kena bluffed* we had a long stay at macdonald's yakking away even though both of them felt tired. i was meddling with this 'thing' on my finger & i showed it to AP. AP said: "oh! that time my mom also had this on her finger, & she used a pen-knife to get rid of it & after that it's gone! you should try that!" & i was like "huh?!" i asked if it was painful.. she said: "of course la! anyway, mom can take the pain!" *faint* & i said: "i'm not your mom.. & i'm afraid of pain!" *LOL* after that, i was playing with 'it' & suddenly noticed something reddish emerging on my finger that is reddish & i stared at it.. it bled! she got it from me though & yet she can laugh! *argh* it was bleeding non-stop & since it's the chinese 7th month, i thought this can be eerie since my finger is bleeding & we went home! *LOL*
hey AP, thanks for the 'bloody mary' advice... mmmmm~
(AJ: never trust someone with bonkas suggestions!)
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