Sunday, August 31, 2008
Special Function =x
"you are never alone... please do take care of yourself...~"
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
summary of events (Part 2)
woke up for Strategic Management (SM) class *yawns* so much downloading from Raymond Loh & best of all is.. he said Monash slides only provide 'BONES' & his provide 'MEAT'!!! *LOL* then asked him which set of slides should i follow for revision... he said i can make use of either his or both! *faint* =P (AJ: you think i so hardworking eh?)
stayed back in school to work on SM A2 till evening.. it was raining heavily & the room was getting colder & colder *shivers* & i dozed off unknowingly! (AJ: read only 2/9 pages of case study lo!) *LOL* it was about 1700 hr when i woke up & still feeling extreme cold & decided to leave for dinner at MSQ cos was quite hungry since did not have lunch earlier & wanted to do some research on some high technology stuff! supposed to look for a place for dinner & ended up with shopping! =P went carrefour... toys'r'us @ suntec looking at star wars - 'the clone wars' series figures with the ones that has an additional driod part for you to build a driod after collecting every piece.
wanted to head home after dinner & car parked at MSQ. on the way to retrieve the car, looked down from the bridge linking suntec & MSQ, the traffic was super jammed! after a firework show earlier at about 2100 hr =P every road was packed & jammed with vehicles~ hmm.. probably at least an hour of waiting time to clear? anyways, decided to settle for movie - '4bia'... continued walking to MSQ, checked showtime at GV (AJ: showtime was rather late) & walked back to suntec! *faint* at last, settle for movie at Eng Wah! (AJ: did so much walking today! erm.. lost weight for sure lo!) the whole show was confusing not knowing what it is all about until in between realised the show has 4 short horror stories thus '4bia'! *PSH* (AJ: '4bia' ratings - 2/5).
went 'you tiao da wang' at geylang (AJ: it shifted! not closed!) which i thought it has closed for business! but i can't remember which street it is located now.. i only know how to go =P *LOL* had a drink & went home.
Sunday, 24 August 2008
was home very 'early' yesterday & today.. didn't do much yet slept throughout the whole day! woke up at 1900 hr.. hungry & went dinner with bear bear & jason at sembawang & home after dinner. ordered 'zhu jiao mi fen' which i don't eat at all yet caught my tastebud & this is my second attempt back for it! (AJ: this 'zhu jiao mi fen' very nice lo~ erm.. thot 'terh ka guan' is banned in Sg?) any cravers? got a call from AP asking me to join them (i.e. AP, Bev, Elise, CC & DK) for herbal jelly at Balestier (AJ: hey don't always go to my hang out lei!) anyways, did not join them cos i was already on my way home~ hehehe.. didn't do much today, there goes my sunday~ =/

Bottom - 'zhu jiao mi fen' (left), sambal kangkong (right)
Monday, 25 August 2008
hmm... early in the morning received CC's SMS swearing at me on the PED stuffs (AJ: super foul mouth she've got =P) reached office, only me, Wayne, MX & CC around (AJ: HT will be back later in the afternoon) & the rest of them either on leave or GM off. i got myself settled down & caught up with Charanjit... don't know why, no mood to work.. slacked~
preparing to go for morning teabreak at rocky master with CC... looking at the clock, going to be 1100 hr! erm.. think brunch is more appropriate ya? anyways, CC received SMS from Leslie asking where we will be going for lunch & we arranged to meet at 1145 hr at Vivo - Sushi Tei. Yet still.. both of us continued to go for teabreak at rocky master; we ordered Banana Choco muffin & Coke Zero for myself & CC had strawberry cheesecake! *LOL* (AJ: my banana choco muffin with compliments from rocky master's staff! thanks! =>)
we only managed to leave office at 1240 hr (AJ: supposed to meet Leslie at 1145 hr lo!) *LOL* on our way down the office building, SMS-ed Wayne both of us left for lunch heading Vivo... in the cab Wayne replied saying we didn't ask him along & we 'pai chi-ed' him! hey Wayne.. we didn't 'pai chi' you, just like i have always explained to you.. there are people who will 'hu si ruan xiang'! (AJ: you get my meaning bro?) *tsk tsk*
on our way back from lunch, we walked towards harbourfront to catch a taxi (AJ: has more taxis thus queue moves faster!) while walking, i was looking away & this Leslie crossed my path & bumped into me! CC saw & laughed & said she is just waiting for this scene to happen! (AJ: CC you best.. he is your 'zhi cai' don't push around lei!) reached office, encountered one rude RP.. ask me declare my stuffs & yet never check... so what's the point eh? (AJ: i've got only my handphone & wristlet on me lo!) *whatever* sometimes i wonder if they know the purpose & importance of having them around?
tried real hard to start my work for the day & left office at 1825 hr. arranged to meet up with AP, CC & Wayne for KTV session. i went home after work to get car, went to pick AP at Bugis to KTV, met up with Wayne at Mos Burger & CC coming later. We sang till almost 0200 hr! & yet we have to work tomorrow EXCEPT for AP! (AJ: AP good lo.. enjoy & happy right?) *YaWns*

Bottom Left: AP, CC, Me & Waynee-e-'Pooh'
Our Modeling Portfolio! *LOL*
what is AP & CC up to eh? hugged till like that~

the many poses AP asked to do! *LOL*
AP said: "hey! don't 'pai-chi' me lei!
(AJ: this photograph's intention is to out-cast AP!) *LOL*

CC & Me in action! Don't mess with US!
(AJ: who cares?)

the bickering test -
let's see who can withstand the ordeal for not bursting into laughter!
hmm.. this shot was designed specially by AP!
(AJ: hey AP, be original can?)
Poor Wayne, gotta smell CC's hair... *PuKe*
AP: Let's take a few more photographs before heading home can?!
Geez! aren't they good?
(AJ: hey AP, time to join CC for yoga sessions ya?)
at last... time to go home! it's already 0200 hr in the morning!
(AJ: hey i still need to send all of you home lo!)
drove to school from office. while walking up the flight of stairs to check on the classroom venue, i saw Lionel standing in front of the LCD screen & he turned & he saw me & what is best is that there is no lesson today! *faint* (AJ: hmm.. didn't see other classmates, think only me & him turned up thinking there is lesson!) *LOL* went to check with the staff if there is lesson today for International Management & ya right... no class~ =P (AJ: it's the university's break term for 2 weeks!)
called CC to see if she still wants to meet up cos need to get Wayne's birthday present & she needs to borrow my handphone charger cos hers was spoilt. CC was with LC walking towards MSQ & LC did not want to walk back to Raffles City cos she said theres nothing for her to buy here & told CC not meeting her already. called AP to accompany me for dinner & she was nice & so sweet to get herself changed & rush her way down from home despite that she has already had her dinner! (AJ: thanks AP~) we decided to settle for dinner & desserts at Aerin's & we really ordered lots!!! *LOL* the desserts are superb! i love the 'Warm Chocolate Pudding' especially! *YuMMy* Check out the photographs! ;)

My dinner 'Set B' with Pumpkin Soup + Dessert of the Day!
the additional desserts we ordered!~
Top: Lemon Meringue Tart
Bottom: Double Chocolate Fudge Cake (Left); Warm Chocolate Pudding (Right)
Wednesday, 27 August 2008
Lost my memory! *shucks* Alzheimer Disease strikes me! *ArGh*
Thursday, 28 August 2008
went comex at Suntec City Convention Hall!
Friday, 29 August 2008
went to work as normal in the morning & followed with my branch's cohesion session thereafter. the agenda - Branch Lunch at Merchant Court Hotel followed by KTV session at PartyWorld, Clarke Quay!
yet today, again is our busy day! (AJ: erm.. since when is not busy eh?) & all of us have to get down to our work & rush it out! we had our routine RC before we left for our cohesion. CC suddenly don't feel well & ran a few times to the washroom... & ended up she went home & visit her chinese sin-seh. as for the rest of us, we proceeded with our cohesion. the venue - Merchant Court Hotel; Elise, AP, Wayne & Myself shared a cab. in the midst of our journey, AP suddenly realised that she left her handphone in the office! & we U-turned to retrieve it! (AJ: hey AP, how careless can you get eh?)
at last, we arrived at Merchant Court - Ellenborough Market Cafe! we had buffet lunch...

Ellenborough Market Cafe @ The Merchant Court Hotel

these are all i had!
(AJ: can't afford to eat too much.. fattening la!)
Bev & Me!
(AJ: hmm... me drinking water also want to take?) *LOL*
AP my photo-taking kaki... she's an addict to photography now!
on our way to PartyWorld - Clarke Quay outlet!
scenic view of Clarke Quay! =)
the L&Dians!
From Left: WP, DK, BB & Me
Next destination - Welcome to PartyWorld!
"AP - YT - AJ"
Elise & Me!
(AJ: the flowers on the left have a purpose for it!) *LOL*
With compliments!
went dinner with AP & Wayne at 'Tampopo' Japanese restaurant after K-ing.
my dinner, not hungry but just eat lo!
Saturday, 30 August 2008
- SM lesson
- Comex, bought AVG anti-virus
- Received news from Bear Bear, 4th aunt left
Sunday, August 24, 2008
summary of events (part 1)... =P
Saturday, 16 August 2008
- lunch with AP & CC at Geylang Bahru hawker (i.e. fishball soup & mutton soup w/ rice)
- attended my first lesson for Strategic Managment out of the 3 conducted so far =P
- mmm... can't remember what i did after school *LOL*
Sunday, 17 August 2008
- TMC working on IM assignment due on 18 Aug 08
- had some food at Sakae
- continued working on IM assignment at NLB
Monday, 18 August 2008 (IM A1 deadline)
- work cum IM assignment till 2130 hr, didn't manage to complete assignment though =P
- dinner at thomson
- home, continue to work on IM assignment!
Tuesday, 19 August 2008
- touching up of IM assignment
- CMD touchtime by MX & Devi; theme - National Day
- IM class with Bev (AJ: Bev wanted to 'visit' my lecturer), submitted IM assignment at last!
Wednesday, 20 August 2008
- lunch at Great World City with AP, Elise, CC, Bev, Wayne & BB @ Ichiban Boshi
- bought a pair of pink shoes from Novo
- dinner at Khai's house & made new friends!
Lunch @ Great World City @ Ichiban Boshi
From left: Bev, Elise, AP & me
From left: BB, Wayne & CC
my lunch + 2 plates of corronett vanilla
Thursday, 21 August 2008
- drinks cum chat with HC
- 'bumped' into tweety & royal family wherever i go
- left office at 2320 hr with Bev & CC
- dinner at Maxwell hawker (porridge)
Friday, 22 August 2008
- Suntec City, NUSS Guild House facilitating 'The Cool & Calm Series' with Wayne
- lunch at 'Fei Cui La Mian & Xiao Long Bao' (AJ: thanks Wayne!)
- September's touchtime discussion with Wayne
- ACP L&D Portal discussion with Wayne
- Tiffany & Co. on Bear Bear's watch
- shopping
- dinner @ NYDC with AP & CC till almost 0200 hr

The Cool & Calm Series participants (22 Aug 08)
Lunch @ 'Fei Cui La Mian & Xiao Long Bao'
with compliments by Wayne! *tsk tsk*
my dinner + dessert @ N.Y.D.C
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Bloody Night Out...
went dinner with AP & CC at Hog's Breathe Cafe at vivo city. well... still have my assignment that is going to be due on Monday (18/8) on my mind & this AP tempted me with B&J's! (AJ: nice approach eh?) i don't find the food at Hog's Breathe Cafe nice (AJ: won't want go back for more) what is nice then? every friday, a young man will be there singing... he has a good vocal with good emotions & of course.. good looks~ *hehehe* on this night, most of the songs he sang relates very well about AP's feeling & thoughts on her recent love encounter =P *zipped* (AJ: hey AP! move on la! there are ample tress out there for you to chop!) *LOL* anyways, AP applauded for this young man thinking it was his last song & she was abit embarrassed & this young man was so touched & continued singing!

Hog's Breathe Cafe @ Vivo City
Top right: Bar counter
Bottom: Singing corner (Left); Partial dining area (Right)
our dinner for the night!
appetisers & main course!
after dinner, supposed to go B&J's for my ice-cream.. but don't know why we walked & walked & AP felt like going KTV & we went to search for sweater for me. couldn't find a nice one.. ended up we took train to potong pasir & settled down at macdonald's! (AJ: hey AP! where's my B&J's???) *kena bluffed* we had a long stay at macdonald's yakking away even though both of them felt tired. i was meddling with this 'thing' on my finger & i showed it to AP. AP said: "oh! that time my mom also had this on her finger, & she used a pen-knife to get rid of it & after that it's gone! you should try that!" & i was like "huh?!" i asked if it was painful.. she said: "of course la! anyway, mom can take the pain!" *faint* & i said: "i'm not your mom.. & i'm afraid of pain!" *LOL* after that, i was playing with 'it' & suddenly noticed something reddish emerging on my finger that is reddish & i stared at it.. it bled! she got it from me though & yet she can laugh! *argh* it was bleeding non-stop & since it's the chinese 7th month, i thought this can be eerie since my finger is bleeding & we went home! *LOL*
hey AP, thanks for the 'bloody mary' advice... mmmmm~
(AJ: never trust someone with bonkas suggestions!)
Eat with your family day @ CMD!
me, Jet, Dily & Cat.. the four of us treated CMD McDonald's Big Breakfast & some vegetarian food today because of some events that has happened to us =P well, Dily is leaving... &??? (AJ: keep guessing) *LOL* the cost was shared among us four & each of us paid $31.90 for McDonald's & $1.90 for vegetarian. breakfast was supposed to start at 0830 hr & well well.. i arrived at 0835 hr =P anyway, was talking with Dily & Sara & suddenly! i heard familiar voices!!! The coming of GM, Andrew D.S. & Tweety!!! (AJ: sheeesh.. 'siam beh hu'!!!) & welcomed them to join us for breakfast! =P the cutest thing was that GM was wearing the e-Serv corporate t-shirt that was kinda red maroon in colour & i was dressed casually & my top was kinda dark pinkish red. out of a sudden, GM got excited & talked to me "hey!!! both of us same colour! Come!!! Give me a hi^5!" *PENGz* (AJ: no reaction time for me lo~!) ermmm... GM's hands were so robust that when he raise his palm waiting for me to hi^5 back at him, i have no choice but to hi^5 back! *PIAK!!!* (AJ: hey peeps especially Elise.. please do not get jealous about this k?) hahahaha...
went back to work.. really really have so much work on my desk waiting for me *faint* & still have lots of outstanding *sigh* CC called to arrange for lunch with us... met up with her at 1245 hr at Tiong Bahru Plaza to have lunch at 'the Rajah Inn' & well, the food not superb la.. not worth the money too. so peeps, don't bother go try (AJ: believe it or not)
back in office & continued with my work *yawns* went for a pre-presentation rehersal by AP as she will be presenting to the 'royal family' & she has been so 'excited' & 'enthusiastic' over it since days back! *LOL* (AJ: AP you can do it de la!) finally, 1500 hr.. AP's showtime! after the long wait.. AP came back with management's decision to go for 'Bottle Tree' for our year end function *sianz* hey! i prefer magic show lei! (AJ: KX Lim & 'MagicBabe' Chin?) *ROLF*
getting late in office.. tweety still around. was talking to tweety on sep's touchtime & bbq. suddenly, tweety asked me if that lady is my friend? *puzzled* erm.. who's that lady? i asked. tweety said: "that lady in white.. with dyed golden long hair." i said: "oh.. mx is it? she was wearing white!" but tweety said.. "can't be... it's a lady with golden long hair & she doesn't look like mx to me!" then we both looked at each other.. tweety said: "erm.. nevermind." then i said to tweety: "you 'du tio' is it???" he smiled & walked to his office. =P (AJ: hmm... who or what did tweety see exactly?!) *fingers crossed*
AP, CC & me left office at about 1930 hr.. had dinner at hog's breathe at vivo city (AJ: the food so so only.. won't be back for 2nd time) AP was saying very nice & big portion.. but to me, food sucks & portion normal. what is best at hog's breathe is the live singing segment by a young boy playing his guitar & singing away. probably, this place can come for drinks & desserts but no food please. supposed to go B&J's after that.. hmm.. don't know why end up AP didn't bring us there cos she promised to treat! (AJ: AP CK lo!) nevermind, i make sure you won't missed it next time round!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Joice's Downtime..
my medication!
& food to avoid when suffering from LS-ing!
(AJ: see under 'Foods Allowed' - BANANA???)
AP called me while i was on my way home.. asked me to go balestier to find them eat 'Gui Lin Gao' to tempt me cos that is one of my usual hangout (AJ: hey! don't visit places i brought you gals lei!) hey AP, please find new places & bring me along next time.. always go to places i brought you gals, not authentic at all lo! *LOL* anyway, went to pay bills & went home.
i was caught in a super jam today on my way to work. the radio was broadcasting that somewhere at bukit timah area had an accident since morning & i reached office close to 0900 hr!!! (AJ: OMG! i know i am really super LATE!)
moving on.. i have decided to clear my tons & tons of work (AJ: finally some "free" time for me to clear my work after all the cardinal, meetings, leave & holidays!) BUT.. meeting for me has been on-going still *ahem* anyway, will try to priortise my work else really in deep sh*t! *censored* went teabreak after working on some stuffs.. was walking with CC to tower A for breakfast (AJ: i had fishball wanton soup + lime & calamansi drink) & i saw ah hong & pointed him to CC & CC so 'thick skin'! shouted across to ah hong... "biao di!!!" (AJ: hey! he is not your 'biao di' lo~) & he smiled & waved at us *faint* ah hong indeed is quite a nice boy... he will ask about me if he has not seen me for some time! (AJ: so touched!)
went for lunch with AP, CC, Bev, MX, Clinton & Wayne at sushi tei, vivo city. as usual, ordered sashimi, sashimi salad & chawanmushi! (AJ: just crazy over japanese food la!) after lunch, we went to get a gift for Roland & we bought a crocodile orange-grey stripes polo-tee (AJ: shared by my whole branch suddenly.. which i thought what duh?!) well, Bev gift wrapped it & passed to Roland & what is 'best' is supposedly only 7 of us shared for the gift & end up the rest of the people in the branch wanted to join in! (AJ: well, if we didn't buy.. would you guys thought of getting Roland a gift before he leaves?) *sigh*
back in office.. continued with my work & was also chatting on msn with my ex-classmates & it has been a long time all of us met! probably, we will arrange for a gathering when fiona comes back from Hong Kong *grinz* left office close to 1900 hr & don't know what is wrong with me.. started to feel unwell since 1600 hr plus & was bearing with it & working at the same time =< (AJ: think don't need to elaborate ya?) took a cab & went dinner with AP, CC & Isaring at toa payoh hub. i had herbal chicken with rice (AJ: actually no appetite.. just afraid anytime will LS & vomit & go into hunger stage so just eat la!) the four of us had a long & good chat... & went home after that. while walking with CC to take a cab, got that funny 'feeling' again.. & well, don't need to guess~ WHAT TIME IS IT? IT'S TOILET TIME! *LOL* =P this time LS + vomit big time.. *yucks* =P really need to be home soon to 'continue' home at last!!! went shower & continue with the "production'!!! *LOL* feeling really weak now.. going to rest~ *Zzz*
erm.. not sure if i can make it for tomorrow's session at PLAB with Bev *fingers crossed* else she will have to go there alone =/ well, let God decide? =P
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
L&D Portal with Wayneeeeeeeeeeeee
very soon, it is lunch time *LOL* had lunch with HC, Bev, AP & CC at rocky master. HC's lunch today is my treat cos it was his birthday yesterday.. BUT sadly, he has been coughing *sayangs* Get well soon eh? must take care of yourself, else how to lunch together again? after lunch, was engaged in a heavy dosage meeting with Wayne on L&D portal (AJ: hey peeps, we are no IT experts) & Wayne best.. downloaded so much stuff into my 'floating' brain today (AJ: think i dozed off in between.. erm.. Wayne didn't wake me up) or did i really dozed off? *hahaha* should be la.. i know myself. but after that, compensated by giving him my 99.9% forced attention & energy to discuss on the portal (AJ: Wayne, you owe me lunch.. don't care!) *Bleah*
ok ok... really got to focus on Mr Ph.D (AJ: just came to blog abit on today in case lasy to do so when home) *sleepy*
punctual for Mr Ph.D's date at last!
i will be back...
Monday, August 11, 2008
God Bless Me!
hope i will not get penalize duh~ Dear God, please bless me! A-MEN! *grinz* =
anyway, left office at 2045 hr with AP then went dinner at David's stall at pasir panjang food market with bear bear.. had alot of food! we ordered 6 dishes in total - rojak, 'pang pang' ji, sambal kang kong, gong gong, BBQ 'yellow' squid & oyster omelette! *YuMMy* erm.. don't know why~ have been eating alot lately. stress? work? assignment? life? aiya! whatever la... just live life to the fullest! do what you want.. eat what you want! when the time is up then face it! *hahaha*
ok ok, i know.. cut the crap ya? alright~ got to go shower & continue with my assignment.. else really gone case =P *boring*
New 'Official' Working Hour Starts Today!
i reached office at 0820 hr today.. (AJ: not bad eh? at least i didn't disappoint him!) & this AP best.. came in at 0840 hr! *LOL* worst than me lo.. TM somemore (AJ: hey AP, wake up your idea k? you want to take over me eh?) probably, she wants to take over my 'title' on punctuality at work? *LOL* well, let's encourage one another to be in office by 0830 hr! *gambatte* =)
Saturday, August 9, 2008
080808 - a day out with Wayne!
today is the last day i will be at safra for duty for the week! & the programme for today!
1) branch breakfast
2) branch meeting from 0830 hr in Aquarius (Part 1)
3) lunch at mouth restaurant
4) branch meeting from 1500 hr in Aquarius (Part 2)
5) meeting on L.E.A.D Programme with Roy & trainers in conference room
didn't take photographs of lunch cos i don't find it superb.. & not value for money too, BUT i snapped my dessert duh~ =) *slurp*
(AJ: i love this mango pudding~ very nice!)
i ended my day at 1830 hr at safra. coming up next on my programme, dinner with AP, Elise, CC & Wayne (AJ: shucks.. didn't want to go at first cos i know surely very late!) & in my mind, i have my assignment that is going to be due this coming monday - 11 Aug 08! & i have yet to start doing anything! =P still, we went Jumbo @ dempsey for dinner.. each of us only cough out with $26.60 which is rather a good deal! we had drunken prawns, chilli crab with fried 'mantou', fried fritters with paste, baby kailan with garlic & oyster sauce, roast chicken & fried noodles.. & the service here is good i must say, they even helped you put on a bib for crab eating, & the serving time is super fast! *thumbs up* ;)

dinner: Jumbo @ Dempsey

Waiter putting on bib for them...
Top: Wayne & CC
Bottom: AP & Elise
(AJ: where's me? taking photographs for them la!) =P
the night started to rain from small to medium to heavy! *hahaha* we quickly settled the bill & ran across to ben & jerry's for part 2! we ordered 'Merlionster' National Day 'Bigger' version, compliments of AP, which costs her $28 (w/o GST) =) (AJ: thanks AP!) the 5 of us shared 'Merlionster'.. erm... kinda not enough for consumption ya? =P (AJ: my favourite B&J's flavors - Choccolate Therapy & Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough!) we sat throughout the night.. yakking, gossiping & laughing away (AJ: didn't know wayne so 'ji po' too?) *LOL* looked at my watch, it is getting late.. left & sent all of them home.
B&J's 'Merlionster' National Day 'Bigger' Version
with 2 dry toppings, cookie & brownie pieces
(Flavors: Chocolate Therapy, Chocoloate Brownie Fudge,
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, Chocolate Mint, Cherry Garcia, Strawberry Cheesecake)
From left: Wayne, AP, CC, Elise & me!
human traffic light? *LOL*