Tuesday, July 7, 2009

wth... kana for nothing~ (Day 1)

6th July 2009, Monday

was having quite a 'bad' migraine last night. hmm... haven't had migraine for years duh~ i was thinking if i should go work. ended up, i went to bed early hoping the migraine would just subside =( (AJ: ouch!) well, i guess the migraine was too much for me that caused me to wake up at 0730 hr!!! quickly, i jumped off my bed, washed myself, changed & make myself pretty pretty for work! =P

left home, looking at my watch... thinking if i should cab to work or bus to work *think think* decided to bus to work cos don't know why, there is a massive jam on the PIE =I (AJ: lucky never cab to work lo... else i can't imagine the fare!) hais... anyways really can't afford to spend this kind of money on cab (AJ: my pay peg is terribly miserable! wdut i should do to curb this problem???) aiya, don't know la... if one day really can't afford le may consider for a change (AJ: can't blame me, i also need to live, eat & pamper myself ya? can't be i work so hard & yet can't enjoy myself rite?) anyways, walk one step see one step ba~ =I

the 'weather forecast' in office today was super grey... for nothing i kinda got 'it' from her... (AJ: wth~?) FA was on urgent leave cos she got headache & woke up at 0800 hr (AJ: hahaha... worst than me!) *LOLz* received sms from FA asking me to email Maj Daniel for updates to our email on training which she forgotten to do it on Friday =P guess what? 'weather' lady had already emailed Maj Daniel for updates in the morning when she arrived office! (AJ: well, never CC: me & FA lo.. so how do we know you already sent? thought u said we must CC: parties involved?) whatever la... she's the boss, so i can't do much =( end up for nothing, i kinda got 'picked' over some lame reasons about my work *sheeesh* this is what the chinese always say 'trying to find and pick bones in an egg' meaning to say, you won't be able to find any bones in an egg cos there isn't bones in an egg in the first place & yet you keep finding!!! *faint* @-@ (AJ: trying hard not to think so much lo)

cabbed for lunch at TBP with Ah Kel, CC & Ah Gal... suddenly Ah Gal said he lost his pass & he could have left it in the cab! Ah Kel & Ah Gal went to trace back the track we walked past etc. hoping to find it, yet to no avail. hence, i rang the taxi company & filed a report on the lost of cards. hmm... don't know why, i got this feeling that his pass could have dropped outside office & some kind souls would pick & return which true enough... this is the case! =) Ah Gal was so relieved when he managed to retrieve his pass back. we had the indonesian pangang at the kopitiam food court, bubble tea-ed after lunch & headed back office. from here, the kana-ing part begins again... *yawns* the conclusion is... i kana for nothing lo! (AJ: don't care don't care... when time comes jiu..)

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