11th July 2009, Saturday
went to bed only at 0500 hr plus this morning (Fri > Sat)... nevertheless, i slept throughout the whole good morning till evening (AJ: of course, in between wakey sleep wakey sleep la~) & then got up & prepare for family birthday dinner at a chinese restaurant named 'L*i W*h' located somewhere at bendemeer. went to fetch F.T & hubby, & Wendy to the restaurant. everyone arrived at the restaurant. this time round, we have a guest... mom's new 'godson' from her previous workplace. this 'godson' is from China, same age as me =P & what is best... mom do not know how he became her 'godson'! *LOLz* anyway, as usual... E.T is always the one entertaining guests... & me? as usual, concentrate on my food! hahahaha....
coming back to the topic on our dinner, the food was so so only & the service there sucks! yet do not understand why the media kept doing advertising on the newspaper, programme show etc. promoting this restaurant... (AJ: prolly that is why they do not have 10% service charge impose) & the manager-in-charge is a cheena =P time passes fast, we do not know that this restaurant closes at 2200 hr! & no wonder... they kept pushing our food out from the kitchen, clearing the dishes on our table & keep asking if we are done >=( anyway, do not want to continue about this restaurant le... cos it is really not worth the trip & money!
finally, the cake is brought out... & as usual, can tell that the service staffs are watching us giving us looks asking us to hurry off! could not really be bothered with their lousy attitude and service, we continued to sing birthday song, blow candle, cut cake, distribute cake & photo-shots! & we made our way home.
got a call from his niece asking if they can stay over my place, went to pick them up from home... me & niece wanted to go karaoke whilst the guys visits LAN shop for maple *boring* niece & i waited for so long for a carpark lot outside the karaoke place & decided to change location... we went to the Singapore Arts Museum instead for the night flea-market. nothing much duh... stuffs where not as cheap as it is supposed to be in a flea-market. not tempting at all.. many shops closed quite early, prolly cos it was the last night already. then, decided to go home sleep.
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