Wednesday, July 8, 2009

wth... ~ (Day 2)

7th July 2009, Tuesday

it is just another working day. hmm... but for don't know whatever reason 'Ms Bad Weather' is showing me her temper for the second day *sheeshhh... wth~* today, FA is back at work... i have been busy since morning with e-HR meeting on the verification of data for the whole of the morning, lunch and then meeting (AJ: can't recall what meeting was it le =P) well, got sms-es from FA about her 'happenings' at work... it was kinda tragic between her encounter with 'Ms Bad Weather' till she wanted to give up! (AJ: hey FA, you are not alone lo...) and well well, we were both thinking like wth??? do we deserve such treatment from her? guess i was packed the whole of today thus did not have many chances of encountering that 'Ms Bad Weather'... whatever la, who cares?

tried to leave office on the dot cos of the stormy weather these 2 days. ended up, left office by 1900 hr with CC, ride on bus -> MRT -> Causeway Point for dinner & shopping. had MOS Burger for the second day consecutively!!! *HAHAHA* shopped at Metro & I.L.T *Hmmm...* we bought clothes and many clothes~ *LOLz* i bought myself a cream-white bubble jumper dress & a tuxedo!!! =)

my cream-white bubble jumper dress =)

my tuxedo! =D

we shopped till almost 12 midnight & even made friends with the sales lady! hahaha... there goes another day & praying real hard for tomorrow! *PRAYS*

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