Tuesday, July 14, 2009

'BeeZee' like a Bee~ =(

13th July 2009, Monday

*yawns* -_- as usual, gonna be late for work again... =P this time smart already, not gonna waste my $$$ to cab to work instead took train to work (AJ: same timing & yet save more $$$ lo!) well, have been spending alot on cab previously, gotta watch my pocket now on... =x

reached office, the first thing for me is to meet up with wp & mx to debrief on our meet up with Val from UC, RSAF... followed up with Manoj & Val. well well, not much time left anyway, cos celebrating AP's birthday at branch level soon. suddenly, i got this funny idea on how to give AP a surprise & her birthday gift "co-sponsored" by MokerZin, Ah Kel, Ah Gal, Bear & Me!!! i came up with 3 fantastic prizes!


1. Batam Trip includes to & fro Singapore & Batam, MOB, lunch & dinner + Mystery Gift

2. SGD 50.00* The Faceshop Voucher subjected to T&Cs (i.e. additional bonus of SGD 50.00) which makes up to a total of SGD 100.00*

3. Professional Shoot Package includes 1 hair-do, 1 make-up, 2 outfits, 1 CD ROM, 1 Complimentary Male Model of choice + Mystery Gift

hmm... having AP's birthday lunch in the afternoon at Swensen's located at Chinatown area (AJ: can't remember the name of the building!) took lots of photographs while waiting for our food (AJ: i had sambal ribeye steak!) to be served & also after our meals! *YuMMy Yum Yum!* hahaha... we ordered ice-cream cake for AP, topped with Disney characters which has my Donald Duck on it! =D i purposely requested AP for Donald's face for my share & i got it which i took alot of photographs of it with me! (AJ: thanks AP!)

back in office by 1400 hr. tried to settle down to start working but was called quite a few times by colleauges (PEs) on their work... =P end up, did not really have time to do my work duh~ *hais*

finally, it was knock-off time. having dinner w my family along Zion Rd but was closed, daddy wanted to go there for crabs, crabs & crabs! *LOLz* (AJ: too bad~) in the end, we ended up dining at David's stall which we or rather they ordered quite alot of food!

chatted with David trying to catch up what we have missed out on one another, daddy was enjoying himself chatting away with Ian & Jeremy & then, at las, saying it is time to go home! Jeremy showed daddy someone decoratives he bought it from China, i got the pastal purplish-pink de... do not know where to hang but can tell that daddy likes it alot so i just accepted the gift from Jeremy. afterwhich, we bidded David goodbye & we went back home.

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