Friday, July 10, 2009

to & fro air bases...

9th July 2009, Thursday

hmm... met up with Ah Gal for breakfast before heading for PLAB on our course on Buzan xxx for them. we decided to just have our breakfast at the coffeeshop under my house where we both each had 2 half-boiled eggs, chatted a while on the happenings in office the past few days... & drove off to PLAB. well well, air force chaps are always my fave... cos they are always very dynamic, willing to learn & friendly people! =) (AJ: sorry army & rsn... hardly encounter you guys/ gals... don't mean it =x )

both of us helped in the final setting of the classroom while participants slowly walked in. again, saw this personnel & his fave tagline on me is "hmm... i think i know you... but i just can't remember where i saw you... hmmm" (AJ: well, this is not the first time lo, last year he said the same thing to me... what a pick up line?) which i told him ya ya... this is not the first time you said this to me... =P

ah gal sat thru the whole session while i sat thru the morning session... went to pass some stuffs to my working friend from PLAB & at the same time visited her workplace to have a better understanding of her workplace environment. well, her NSF K.S was on off... too bad did not get a chance to see him in person even though saw him thru FB~ *LOLz* & got to know K.S's understudy G.Ang (AJ: nice meeting you!) this chap is super cute & interesting, loves to interact & going to the gents, smoke to slack his time away! hahaha... well, while i was chatting with my friend along the corridor... her colleagues thought that i am their new colleague & luckily me & her are good actresses where we managed to fool them all just because we can just co-ordinate & blend in so naturally! *LOLz* lunched with ah gal at the canteen besides the officer & spec mess... the sitting area was filled with sunlight & both of us were trying to find a seat where there is no sunlight! (AJ: did not know PLAB personnel love the sun so much?)

left PLAB to CMPB to pick up 'Ms Bad Weather' & mx for meeting at 1400 hr on Cardinal at TAB. was waiting for quite awhile behind along the main road all because 'Ms Bad Weather' is reply her emails!~ (AJ: think what? i drive porshe ar? even so... also can't speed lo! TP will catch lo!) sians... after meeting, she kinda hinted me to drive them to city hall area where both of them is having some ndp networking session (AJ: please lo... i not your 'ahmad' hor) BZD!!! end up, we went tpy hub for snacks at MOS Burger where i gave them a treat =P & they left after 1 hr.

went dinner at W.T with him... shopped abit & went home to rest... *yawns*

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