Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Sweet Sweet Christmas-Ty Tree! =D

30th November 2009, Monday

the long weekend passed, and soon it was the start of a brand new week. some days back, FA, myself and few of our colleagues went for lunch at Depot Heights. outside the NTUC Supermarket, there was this stall selling many items on Christmas. there were lots of christmas decorations, tinsels, lights & of course... many CHRISTMAS TREEs! =D

very naturally, our attention was captured by the facinating sets of lights "dancing", flickering. uniquely, there was this i was as i have expected, these lights were not the ordinary ones. hmm~ it was those LED bulb with either solid colours such as blue, white, green, warm (orange), multi-coloured... all comes with 8 combination lighting effects! & the best was that the light bulbs were covered with an external squarish exterior which looks like gift boxes! we wanted to purchase the multi-coloured gift box lightings with the conditioned that we ought to buy a christmas tree from the seller then would he give it to us as part of the deal =P (AJ: i was thinking how could i persuade the boss to include everything as a 'package' deal at a low & good price!) hmm... ..

well, spent quite sometime on negotiation & persuasion with the boss UNTIL he kinda gave in & we striked the deal! (AJ: yay! it was indeed a great deal @ $25 only!) i wanted to get a "PINK" christmas tree which i 've bought... check it out! =)

"my sweet bright & colourful Christmas Tree @ home!"
(L: effect under warm lighting; R: effect when all lights are switched off!)

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