Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Sick; Work; Airport

21st December 2009, Monday

began to fall sick. was terribly filled with a bad cough and watery nose... and of course, lost of voice! this was one thing i hated... LOST OF VOICE! lesson learnt - should not have shared the mic with someone who is sick! *humph*

nevertheless, was sick and went to work. luckily tomorrow is my day off... and guess what? the long awaited guy is coming to town! (AJ: yipeeeee!) finally, i be meeting him in person. in fact, i had this hunch feeling that he will be coming to Singapore... but i thought this would not be happening so fast as he would be busy filming in Hollywood. never did i expect that this hunch feeling is coming true! *hehehehee* can't wait... can't wait... *thumbs up* hmmm... tried my luck at the airport hoping to see him. was at the airport with Kel and AP... it was still early and we went walking around. while we were walking, i saw a shop that sells toys and i saw my fave! CAREBEARS!!! and of course, needless to say... we bought 3; 2 with compliments from Kel and AP as my Christmas bonus gift! and you know what? i can say that we got these CareBears at a very cheap deal! it costs only S$9.95 each and guess what? these are one of the few editions with their bunch of hair identical to those 80s editions! these CareBears stands about the height of my palm and they are so small and cute that anyone would simply fall in love with them! best of all, they are sitting on the top of my pillow whenever i snoozes! =D (AJ: thanks Kel & AP for the CareBears; Grumpy & GoodLuck!)

(From Left: Grumpy, Cheer, GoodLuck)

anyway, we did not get to see 'him' though... guess he would be arriving tomorrow. drove Kel and AP home in the heavy downpour during our journey... and you know? kel do not even know the direction home *faint* till we explored and travelled by the long way passing by 'cemetries' *eerie* (AJ: well, all of us got home safely la!)

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