Wednesday, December 23, 2009

New Ofice @ Tampines Concourse

17th ~ 18th December 2009

17th - L&D Meeting

our new office premise

it was a long meeting from 0900 hr all the way till 1545 hr... *yawns* before all of us were released for lunch!!!

the L&D-ians
(From Left: WP, Me, Bev, HT, Kel, Pat, JH, AP, MX, FA, CC)

18th - CMD Dec Touch Time!

today is the CMD's Dec Touch Time organised by Elise, Kel & Ee Lian... which they have planned and arranged a line of activities for the entire CMD-ians as well as X'mas Celebration! Before the event kick off, we went around snapping lotsa photographs around our new office!

it was just the 4 of us at first...

suddenly, HT joined in... *LOL*

and slowly, Bev & AP joined in!
*muahaha* ;)

finally, the entire L&D team!
"Merry Christmas & a Prosperous 2010!"

we had loads of fun, got ourself a Christmas Elf-ish name as well as getting a gift from your "Santa" from your wish list with a budget of S$10! =) (AJ: check out my gift!)

my team - Group A

me & my Christmas Elf-sih Name
"Puddin Angel-Pants"

my Pre-Christmas Gift
- Cheer Care Bear Speakers
(AJ: Testing out the speakers with my iPod)

my new work space!
(AJ: well, guess my time here would be very minimum~)

after the whole day, we decided to adjourn for dinner at Tampines 1 & settle for my favourite japanese food @ Sushi Tei! the queue was really long. we waited and waited... while waiting we saw a funky Santa together with 2 Santarina walking in the mall with a schnauzer dog! we found it interesting and took a photograph together!


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