8th November 2009, Sunday
woke up at 1130 hr... washed up, walked around the house, watched abit of tv & started to feel hungry. went to make my fave koka curry flavour instant noodle. had the urge for fondue duh... washed & cut strawberries, kiwi & bananas!
woke up at 1130 hr... washed up, walked around the house, watched abit of tv & started to feel hungry. went to make my fave koka curry flavour instant noodle. had the urge for fondue duh... washed & cut strawberries, kiwi & bananas!
AJ's Creation - "Fondue De La Fruitee!"
waiting for the chocolate to melt...
the generous spread of fruits!
after that, left home at about 1430 hr to pick dad & wendy. mom & Flor passengered in ET's car & off we go! Malaysia... here we come! =) hmm... the traffic at the Woodland's Causeway isn't that bad. it was rather smooth at the Singapore Checkpoint with less than 3 min of waiting time! travelled on the causeway from Singapore into Malaysia. well well, it took us quite a while duh... guess it could be because of the neighbouring road was not readily build hence the slow-moving traffic which took us about 15 to 20 mins of traveling time cum waiting time into the 'M' Checkpoint. when we got through the 'M' checkpoint, we drove to JusCo for abit of shopping & to see if i could find a cake (AJ: hais... no CareBear cake lo) *sians* before we go for dinner. ah hah! i found it! quite strange duh... (AJ: similar to the one my colleagues got for me!) *LOL* alright la, better than nothing... at least, it is my fave icon too =) *winks* finally, drove to BeiJing for dinner... we ordered a wide spread of food for the night & of course not forgetting my cake of the night!
the traditional Chinese "Peng Cai"
"Superior Braised Shark's Fin with Crab Meat & Crab Roe"
"Hong Kong Style Steamed Garoupa"
"LaLa in Chinese Wine"
"Sambal Potato Leaves" vegetable
"Braised Mixed Vegetables"
the finger licking good
"Chilli Crab"
another finger licking good
"Black Pepper Crab"
the uncanningly look-alike cake
"Little Red LadyBug" @ RM38 only!
"Little Red LadyBug" - before it was litted
"Little Red LadyBug" - on its way to be litted
"Little Red LadyBug" - gorgeously!
the childhood kids...
(AJ: short of one, in U.S la!)
thank you for gracing the celebration!
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