Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Loooooooooooooooong Day...

had a super duper long meeting from 0930 hr all the way till 1430 hr! *tired* before we proceed with the meeting, we had a birthday celebration for MX. we bought her a dress as her gift! today's meeting agenda - AAR or Learn & Share Session for Service & Formation Reps & Course Review... wanted to lunch at Rocky Master but it is closed as they are granted a half-day today~ *boring* in the end, we went IKEA for lunch... had thai fish with rice (AJ: so big quantity!) + chicken wings + Herring cold dish + A&W Rootbeer!

stayed back late again in office today... was rushing lotsa reports & evaluation =P at last, left office at 2110 hr & met ah hong at the guardroom as he was on duty & disturbed each other abit before i left! *LOL* (AJ: poor boy! tomorrow PH still need to do duty in camp) hehehehe... went dinner with bear bear at jalan sultan - fishhead steamboat + prawn paste chicken wings + toufu prawn + coconut drink! can't stand the weather... sun rain sun rain sun rain sun rain... can wake up your idea to shine or rain? the rain got quite heavy all the way till i finished my dinner... went under the rain & then into the car~ *slightly drenched* & home we go...

now now.. really really very very much wanted to do my assignment BUT kept yawning away! gosh! really am running out of time le~ heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp! *frantic* =

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