Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Another insiginificant day... + OT

Tuesday, 23 September 2008

don't know why, i have been reporting late to work these few days =P probably too tired? or probably have been lazing around on my bed when i am supposed to wake up? aiya! many reasons la... living life is really very tiring (AJ: hey i don't mean that i am tired of living eh~) *LOL*

nothing much happened at work today... started thinking on designs for the upcoming "Learn & Share" Session for the service and formation reps on 26 Sep 08. went IM class after work... told Lionel i will reach by 1915 hr yet i reached at 2010 hr =P *hahaha* anyways, was kinda hungry during lessons & yet Dr Yap kept lecturing non-stop! well, Lionel was nice enough to accompany me for dinner after lessons (AJ: he already had his dinner before lessons!) *PSH* & we walked to Bencoolen prata shop. hmm.. it was quite a distance though (AJ: erm.. am too used to traveling around in a car lo~) =P but it was alright cos by the time we reached the prata shop we would have been hungrier~ we chatted on our IM assignment 2.. whether to go individual or group as the information given to us by Dr Yap & Monash was vague (AJ: aiya.. whatever la~) just do it la.. we are left with not much time either (AJ: going to be dued on 6 Oct 08!) hey Lionel! if you happened to read this post, quickly let me know if you want us to do in group okie?

Wednesdy, 24 September 2008

have been staying back in office to do overtime for the past few weeks... & on this day, again OT! *argh* well, can't remember much on what we were doing in office (AJ: if you notice, this post is back-dated!) *LOL* anyway, only AP, CC & myself were left in the office & guess what? we were doing our stuffs & did not realise that time really flies & when i checked the clock, it was already 2330 hr!!! *aaaaahhhhhhhh!* it was already so late & YET we have yet to have our dinner~ *faint* thus, we decided to pack up & leave for dinner at Balestier. the lift arrived & as the lift door opens... i looked up & saw two soldiers on duty in the lift. it was ah hong & colleague! (AJ: wah... 4D also never so accurate lo!) well, never expect to see each other at this timing duh~ funny thing is none of us talk in the lift & it was total silence... *sshhh* *LOL* the lift door opens & we went separate ways... we flagged a taxi & headed Balestier for our dinner..

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