Sunday, September 28, 2008

my way of running away from doing assignments!

Saturday, 27 September 2008

as usual, my manual alarm clock would ring me up for school every Saturday =P *LOL* woke up at 0800 hr for SM lesson & well, am carless for today as sis needs to use it. lucky thing is that my manual alarm clock would come pick me up for school when i am carless. got myself prepared & waited for him to come... looked at the time, going 0900 hr. sms-ed him & he replied reaching soon (AJ: hey D, this time u later than me lo~) hmm... reached school at 0925 hr, not so bad this time cos we reachd school so much later at least 1000 hr for the past few Saturdays! today's lesson was rather extensive... i have been dosing on & off throughout the lesson~ *yawns* (AJ: don't know how come i felt so tired for the day) & Raymond was lecturing in front of me & there is this kaypo, kept browsing at me sleeping & try to wake me up! cos Raymond was looking at him when lecturing as there isn't anyone else for him to focus at! hahaha... finally, lesson ended. went national library with D & L to search for books for assignment 2 & home after that.

met up with CC at J8 for lunch at Swensen's... shopped around for MX's birthday gift (dress), bought a snow cap for wayne & cap for myself, VISA card with Jay on it etc. (AJ: just didn't want to go home cos wanna escape from doing my assignment!) *LOL*

my lunch: BBQ Half Chicken

my dessert: Celebrity Brownie topped with Sticky Chewy Chocolate

i still prefer the black one on Wayne... =P
but well, CC bought the grey one lo~ *LOL*

Jay's VISA Electronic Use Only in Singapore!

stepped into sembawang CD shop & saw pre-sale order for Jay's new album '魔杰座'! *grinz*

Jay's latest album 魔杰座

continued with dinner with CC at J8.. we had omu rice!

my dinner: my fave Omu Rice!

after that, CC accompanied me walk home...

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