Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Loooooooooooooooong Day...
stayed back late again in office today... was rushing lotsa reports & evaluation =P at last, left office at 2110 hr & met ah hong at the guardroom as he was on duty & disturbed each other abit before i left! *LOL* (AJ: poor boy! tomorrow PH still need to do duty in camp) hehehehe... went dinner with bear bear at jalan sultan - fishhead steamboat + prawn paste chicken wings + toufu prawn + coconut drink! can't stand the weather... sun rain sun rain sun rain sun rain... can wake up your idea to shine or rain? the rain got quite heavy all the way till i finished my dinner... went under the rain & then into the car~ *slightly drenched* & home we go...
now now.. really really very very much wanted to do my assignment BUT kept yawning away! gosh! really am running out of time le~ heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp! *frantic* =
Monday, September 29, 2008
pressurized & sick!
went lunch at vivo city - sushi tei with MX, CC, Elise & Wayne... have not had sashimi salad since my last diarrhea (AJ: last diarrhea caused by vivo city sushi tei sashimi salad lo!) & decided to have it for lunch after much thoughts. ate maguro... i thought i tasted a weird taste which tasted like chinese medicated oil (AJ: oil sinseh used for 'tuey nah') & i got CC to try in case i am being too fussy! well, CC tasted it too! i quickly spit it out! suddenly, felt so uncomfortable & felt sick & felt like puking... *sick* tried to get the uncomfort in me away... bought 'warm chocolate lava cake' from starbucks + hot fudge sundae from McDonald's + large french fries! (AJ: CC kept yakking at me saying i have been eating alot lately thinking i am not yet full after lunch) *LOL* anyway, gonna condemn sushi tei @ vivo city.. their hygiene & quality standards have becoming worst!
went home after work. had 2 bowls of rice with soup & bitter gourd & salted fish. have been thinking of taking a nap.. & then work on my assignment~ but as usual.. slacked & watched TV =/ alright, not going to blog further... going to do mask & then probably nap & do my assignment.. (AJ: don't know what i am blogging about...) ciaos!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
stucked at home watching F1~
F1 2008: winner list!
F Alonso in action!
F1 2008 Winner - F Alonso (Renault)!
here are some shots of F1...
my way of running away from doing assignments!
as usual, my manual alarm clock would ring me up for school every Saturday =P *LOL* woke up at 0800 hr for SM lesson & well, am carless for today as sis needs to use it. lucky thing is that my manual alarm clock would come pick me up for school when i am carless. got myself prepared & waited for him to come... looked at the time, going 0900 hr. sms-ed him & he replied reaching soon (AJ: hey D, this time u later than me lo~) hmm... reached school at 0925 hr, not so bad this time cos we reachd school so much later at least 1000 hr for the past few Saturdays! today's lesson was rather extensive... i have been dosing on & off throughout the lesson~ *yawns* (AJ: don't know how come i felt so tired for the day) & Raymond was lecturing in front of me & there is this kaypo, kept browsing at me sleeping & try to wake me up! cos Raymond was looking at him when lecturing as there isn't anyone else for him to focus at! hahaha... finally, lesson ended. went national library with D & L to search for books for assignment 2 & home after that.
met up with CC at J8 for lunch at Swensen's... shopped around for MX's birthday gift (dress), bought a snow cap for wayne & cap for myself, VISA card with Jay on it etc. (AJ: just didn't want to go home cos wanna escape from doing my assignment!) *LOL*
my lunch: BBQ Half Chicken
my dessert: Celebrity Brownie topped with Sticky Chewy Chocolate
i still prefer the black one on Wayne... =P
but well, CC bought the grey one lo~ *LOL*
Jay's VISA Electronic Use Only in Singapore!
stepped into sembawang CD shop & saw pre-sale order for Jay's new album '魔杰座'! *grinz*
Jay's latest album 魔杰座
continued with dinner with CC at J8.. we had omu rice!
after that, CC accompanied me walk home...
Learn & Share Session for Service & Formation Rep.
today is the 'Learn & Share Session' for Service & Formtion Rep from SAF/MINDEF. this session is about updates, new introductions of CMD's new training venues & happenings for the past months in this FY. we had two seperate sessions for different services - RSN, RSAF & DPG in the morning, & ARMY & JOINT in the afternoon. the turn up rate for the morning session was quite poor... guess it could be due to the heavy downpour... but well, the turn up rate for the afternoon session was fine.
AM Session: RSN, RSAF & DPG
PM Session: ARMY & JOINT
we have also invited 2 guest speakers to deliver a 1 hr complimentary talk - John Teo on 'Problem? What Problem' & David Ong on 'Speaking to Different Colours'! there was also a mini-tourage of CMD premises at SAFRA Toa Payoh & we also had a learning booth set up for them to take a look at the courses we offer..
mini-tourage of CMD @ SAFRA Toa Payoh
drove to Plaza Singapura with Elise & Wayne to meet up with AP & CC for dinner. at the same time, Elise was shopping for a pair of shoe as her shoe broke during the session! *LOL* (AJ: hey Elise, see la.. put on 20 kg till your shoes can't take you!) =P we wanted to get tickets for the newly launched movie '画皮' aka 'Painted Skin' but Beverly couldn't make it as she needs to send her friend off at the airport hence, the idea was postponed. we walked around to look for a place to have dinner... WP & MX called saying that they will be joining us but they will be having only drinks. we wanted to settle for tepanyaki but can't cos the table set up is purely for tepanyaki! *PSH* walked a few rounds.. wanted to settle down at a Japanese restaurant yet the queue was so long... & end up, we went to 'Hey Hey' Hotpot at Paradiz! *LOL* this time we saw Terence Cao~ it was Wayne's, WP's & MX's first visit here & they were so lucky to have met him (AJ: hey Wayne.. you are sure one lucky chap!) AP, CC & Elise came a few times with me.. yet they didn't have a chance to see him though i have chatted & met him before when i was here for dinner with my friends! *LOL* but alright still cos the waiter remembered us! *wink*
the dinner was very filling, no place to go & decided to go home. got Wayne to drive himself home with me being the 'vehicle commander' & the rest behind! *LOL* AP, CC & Elise was kind of worried as he took over the wheels... hahaha! but before he drove himself home, CC suggested that we drop by office to unload stuffs to ease myself from carrying loads on Monday. after that, continued our journey home & i took over the wheels to send the rest back after Wayne alighted (AJ: hey Wayne, CC said the whole journey took u almost an hour since u took over the wheels!) *LOL*
$2,000 Emperor Feast!
tomorrow is the Learn & Share Session for Service & Formation Reps... well, still have alot of work to prepare back in office. stayed back in office till 2015 hr & left for SAFRA Toa Payoh to unload stuffs for tomorrow...
left SAFRA & went for dinner appointment with family at AMK Ave 10. we had 2 tables & ordered tons of food! we had cold dish, superior sharks fin soup, suckling pig & many more which i can't remember much! *LOL* anyways, the whole dinner costed us close to $2,000!!! wow... emperor feast eh? well, some photos of the food ordered...
Name of Dish: 龙虎会
Name of Dish: 奶油虾
Name of Dish: Suckling Pig
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Another insiginificant day... + OT
don't know why, i have been reporting late to work these few days =P probably too tired? or probably have been lazing around on my bed when i am supposed to wake up? aiya! many reasons la... living life is really very tiring (AJ: hey i don't mean that i am tired of living eh~) *LOL*
nothing much happened at work today... started thinking on designs for the upcoming "Learn & Share" Session for the service and formation reps on 26 Sep 08. went IM class after work... told Lionel i will reach by 1915 hr yet i reached at 2010 hr =P *hahaha* anyways, was kinda hungry during lessons & yet Dr Yap kept lecturing non-stop! well, Lionel was nice enough to accompany me for dinner after lessons (AJ: he already had his dinner before lessons!) *PSH* & we walked to Bencoolen prata shop. hmm.. it was quite a distance though (AJ: erm.. am too used to traveling around in a car lo~) =P but it was alright cos by the time we reached the prata shop we would have been hungrier~ we chatted on our IM assignment 2.. whether to go individual or group as the information given to us by Dr Yap & Monash was vague (AJ: aiya.. whatever la~) just do it la.. we are left with not much time either (AJ: going to be dued on 6 Oct 08!) hey Lionel! if you happened to read this post, quickly let me know if you want us to do in group okie?
Wednesdy, 24 September 2008
have been staying back in office to do overtime for the past few weeks... & on this day, again OT! *argh* well, can't remember much on what we were doing in office (AJ: if you notice, this post is back-dated!) *LOL* anyway, only AP, CC & myself were left in the office & guess what? we were doing our stuffs & did not realise that time really flies & when i checked the clock, it was already 2330 hr!!! *aaaaahhhhhhhh!* it was already so late & YET we have yet to have our dinner~ *faint* thus, we decided to pack up & leave for dinner at Balestier. the lift arrived & as the lift door opens... i looked up & saw two soldiers on duty in the lift. it was ah hong & colleague! (AJ: wah... 4D also never so accurate lo!) well, never expect to see each other at this timing duh~ funny thing is none of us talk in the lift & it was total silence... *sshhh* *LOL* the lift door opens & we went separate ways... we flagged a taxi & headed Balestier for our dinner..
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
meetings... & meetings~
went ACP for meeting with Wayne on L&D Portal in the morning from 1000 hr to 1330 hr, & WP joined us after her meeting at AMK HQ. Wayne & myself tried our best to convey our requirements, demands & expectations on the look & feel, as well as the functionality of the portal to ACP (AJ: hmm... well, both of us are business students not IT eh~) hoping that things do go well this time! this project has been 'hanging' & 'dragging' since the year 2006 & it has now been passed down to the both of us! (AJ: hey Wayne, let's hope we can do a fantabulous job!) well, really have to get the portal done up or else... we will be in deep sh*t??? *you never know* =P anyway, this meeting was quite interactive as compared to the last session i attended with Bev, MX, Andrew & Raja~ (AJ: i was like 'ke chuan' during the last session, so didn't really pay much attention then~) *LOL*
finally, our meeting with ACP ended at 1330 hr. there was another meeting at about 1400 hr to 1430 hr with COMAT at Amara Hotel. settled for lunch at the japanese restaurant at Amara Hotel (AJ: can't recall the name of the restaurant). met up with Johnathan - GM of COMAT as well as his team; Syed & Aloysius, who will be working with us closely on the implementation of an 'integrated' kind of course which involves hardskills as well as softskills. hmm.. not sure if it will be successful as this is not an easy job as we need to 'marry' these two skill sets! (AJ: aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!) we were brought to tour around their training facilities at level 4 & headed back office after the tour.
took a taxi back to office & got taxi uncle to drive us in & alight us. tried to clear my work & the time passed on fast. helped CC to set up training room, stayed back till 1900 hr to clear office work, left for dinner at Raffles City with AP, Bev & CC... we had japanese cuisine! & headed Ben's & Jerry's ice-cream! I ordered 'Double Brownie with ice-cream' (AJ: gosh.. i know it is fattening~) =P eh.. will try to watch my food intake & diet plan! drank lots of water, thinking it should help 'dilute' the amount of sweet & sugar in my me! by the way, my 'Double Brownie with Ice-Cream with compliments of CC! (AJ: thanks CC!)
we got attracted by some 'High Society' songs that was being played & went to 'That CD Shop'. we shopped & listen to other music & stayed for quite some time! didn't realised that the shop is actually waiting for us to make final purchase before closing! & left for home...
Thursday, September 18, 2008
What went wrong?
reached office today at 0840 hr, got to know participants for AP's & BB's course were not informed on the training venue (AJ: hey BB, you never shower is it? Early in the morning big issue already!) =P anyways, BB & myself went down trying our best to 'spot' visitors who may be his participants by directing them straight to the correct venue reducing the hassle of queuing & changing of passes *phew* well, it has been some days where i last joined my friends (colleagues) for morning tea as i am stucked with my work. Elise was so sweet to get me a box of blueberry cheesecake from tower A's bazaar & said it tasted delicious! (AJ: thanks Elise for the cake!) =) HC was here today to do training as well... haven't been seeing him for a while too cos i was in SAFRA with Wayne on the LEAD Programme.
ET's course was held at SAFRA Toa Payoh today & hope everything is smooth & fine (AJ: fingers-crossed) & yet not a single L&Dian in that office & i really hate it cos of the administering part especially during & post course work at my end. spoken to my colleague in SAFRA shared & briefed him what i needed him to do for ET's course & i got to speak to ET not long after & it was very nice of him to help me approach my colleague during his lunch break (AJ: thanks bro!) =)
went lunch at depot heights & bought 2 rum balls from ah yong's bakery - 1 for myself & the other for Elise (AJ: this rum ball is really nice.. will try to take photograph if possible) if you wish to give it a try, let me know & i will share with you where to buy! *smilez* back from lunch, went for meeting after... meeting ended at 1830 hr. AP, Elise & myself wanted to stay back office for KTV-ing but apparantly, not sure what went wrong... the mic just can't produce sound... next time perhaps cos meantime, need to check what actually went wrong. hence, the 3 of us left office at about 1930 hr & took a cab to paradiz centre for 'hey hey' hotpot for dinner & went home.
hmm... it is already very 'early' now (AJ: the time is now 0430 hr!!!) & i am not working on my school's assignment but blogging?!!! *LOL* well, going to be deadmeat soon... alright, got to stop here~ meeting HC at 0730 hr for breakfast at McDonald's & well well, he will be my 'chauffeur' to work today! *hahahaha* Zzz~
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Eat & Eat & Eat!
woke up at 0830 hr for SM class, reached school at 1010 hr *YaWns* sat in class for an hour yet Raymond did not release us for teabreak! (AJ: aahhh~ hungry lei!!!) =( at last, lesson ended at 1200 hr... i had an appointment with Elise at Takashimaya to collect watch from T&Co. followed by lunch at Sushi Tei followed by KTV! Denis was kinda hungry & wanted to grab lunch, Lionel & I accompanied Denis for lunch at Sushi Tei, Raffles City.
met up with Elise at about 1430 hr... this time i have decided not to eat Sushi Tei (AJ: had it earlier with th 2 guys!) hence, we settled for lunch at B1 - Japanese omu rice! while waiting for AP...
met up with CC & went LV to shop... i saw a guy whom i thot he is my cousin; Eng Liang but i was not sure! (AJ: well, you must be wondering.. how come i don't recognise my cousin ya?!) can't be helped la.. cos they are my seniors & i hardly communicate with my cousins when i was young! & i carried on shopping around in LV. i was looking at a bag & suddenly CC told me he must be my cousin because he was looking at me!!! (AJ: confirm ba~ cos he recog me!) CC asked me to call him.. which i did not! (AJ: not my style la!) *LOL*
after shopping, went to drive my car and waited for AP. supposed to go KTV-ing, but Elise & i felt tired & we ended up in dempsey B&J! reached B&J at 1630 hr.. left at 1915 hr.
up next, dinner appintment with bear bear, family of M&Ms & Marcus... @ M Hotel. sent AP & Elise home before i heading for my dinner appointment.
Friday, September 5, 2008
*~*~* hApPy BiRtHdAy bEvErLy! *~*~*
*~*~* HaPPy BiRthDaY BeVeRLy! *~*~*