Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Woolloomooloo's Birthday Celebration

Sunday, 18 January 2009

have been visiting TCM for the past few weeks & yet my ankle has not healed & still need to go for more TCM visits (AJ: sianz) & now... the need to soak my ankle in the pool of hot herbs!!! *hot hot... huff puff~* well, don't quite remember how to brew the packet of herbs (AJ: despite instructions by the TCM), got mom to do it for me *LOL*

the pot of boiled herbal & my both ankles soaked in it! *HOT*

evening, went dinner at Paradise Restaurant to celebrate Woolloomooloo's birthday. had a sumptuous and hearty meal... after dinner, went to ET's house for cake cutting. outside ET's house, there is a bunny that always gets to come out of its cage to hop and wonder around at the corridor until the next day morning and its owner will put the bunny back into its cage! went home after playing with bunny... :)

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