Friday, 9 January 2009
today was a rather short day for me at work. bumped into AH at the guard house & as usual his fave line to me 'eh~ can go home le... 9 am' & i told him to change new lines!!! went for procurement briefing by AP at 0915 hr, 1 to 1 session with WP till 1030 hr (AJ: ask & he shall bless!), morning teabreak till 1115 hr, worked, lunched at 1330 hr! had lunch with AP, FA & WP at Rocky Master... as usual, not sure what to eat & in the end, spicy wings! *LOL* & touchtime in the afternoon! as this is the first touchtime for 2009, tweety & his bro - DW gave speech & 'lecture'. DW's session was rather interesting but i dozed off on & off as i am aware of the situations that is happening everywhere in the world & CC say he was looking at me! =P (AJ: whatever...) & we had the usual centre birthday celebration & activity & 'happy hour' at e-box all the way till you drop! anyway, i left office at 1810 hr & rushed to TCM to 'tui' my left ankle! (AJ: don't know what happened, my left ankle swell very badly!)
today was a rather short day for me at work. bumped into AH at the guard house & as usual his fave line to me 'eh~ can go home le... 9 am' & i told him to change new lines!!! went for procurement briefing by AP at 0915 hr, 1 to 1 session with WP till 1030 hr (AJ: ask & he shall bless!), morning teabreak till 1115 hr, worked, lunched at 1330 hr! had lunch with AP, FA & WP at Rocky Master... as usual, not sure what to eat & in the end, spicy wings! *LOL* & touchtime in the afternoon! as this is the first touchtime for 2009, tweety & his bro - DW gave speech & 'lecture'. DW's session was rather interesting but i dozed off on & off as i am aware of the situations that is happening everywhere in the world & CC say he was looking at me! =P (AJ: whatever...) & we had the usual centre birthday celebration & activity & 'happy hour' at e-box all the way till you drop! anyway, i left office at 1810 hr & rushed to TCM to 'tui' my left ankle! (AJ: don't know what happened, my left ankle swell very badly!)
i was being asked a few questions on my affected ankle at the TCM & as usual, i couldn't remember what went wrong which has caused the swell! the sin seh then helped me to 'tui' & guess what?! IT IS VERY PAINFUL DE LO!!! (AJ: it's my first time in my life that something happened to my ankle & i needed 'tui na') the sin seh to me to avoid cold drinks & alcohol said my back could have went off alignment thus the swell! *scary* & told me to come back to visit him on my back on Monday!
after TCM, went Kovan to meet up with AP, FA, CC & SJ for dinner. i had snacks only cos i had dinner with family while waiting for them. well, since we have no plans, we decided to walk FA 'home' & SJ led the way since he said he seemed to be at that area before! (AJ: well, SJ don't stalk!) *LOL* AP & SJ walked FA up, CC & me waited downstairs for them. after that, we went McDonald's for desserts! (AJ: i had 'darn good borwnie' + fluffy!!!) ... chatted about some 'strange' encounters & stories & went home at 0230 hr.

my bandaged left ankle... =<
everyone one, please wish me a speedy recovery!
by the way, this is my first time i hurt my ankle & bandaged!
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