Sunday, May 25, 2008

my croc polo-tees!!!

S A T U R D A Y, M A Y 24, 2008

Check out my croc polo-tees! Really worth the splurge... affordable price, good quality, nice designs & colors!
(Pssst... dear Crocodile International, if you see this post... maybe can contact me be your FOC model? =P)

words of acknowledgement:
preferred Lacoste actually, but after shopping at Crocodile, I agree wholly they actually have very nice products too! Give it a try peeps! Trust me.. you won't regret!

Some Nice Suggestions when buying:

1. for yourself

2. for family & partner

3. for friends

4. gifts

5. boost economy

6. any other reasons you can think of!

Quote: "why pay more when you can get the same quality & design?" - JT

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