Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Me the Concern Public? Would you do the same?

Well, saw this terrible scene after alighting from taxi around 1400 hrs after my lunch at AnchorPoint. I've noticed that the bin hasn't been cleared for at least the past one month!!!

The following is my email sent to NEA. About an hour later, the mess has been cleared! Not sure if it is because of my email, my friends said "Must be la! Else who will know? Imagine you didn't write in... it will remain there lo! Aiya, you should've sent it to STOMP or Chinese Newspapers to get rewarded!" I replied "nah... this kind have to be serious and action have to be taken asap and it's not nice that I 'sabo' the relevant authority right?" hahahaa... Ok ok, see the photos I took as well.

P/S: If not mistaken, WHITE wrigglers are dengue mosquitoes!!! (Correct me if I'm wrong)

JT's thoughts: Can't imagine this is happenning despite active public education! Where are the contractors who are supposed to upkeep the environment? What about the relevant authorities? Hmm.. actually ar, what will happen to the contractors if NEA contacted them???

Feel free to share your views!
Dear Sir/Mdm,

RE: Uncleared Bin At Traffic Light Junction
I am sending this email with regards to the uncleared bin located attraffic light junction opposite CMPB (5 Depot Road).

I have noticed that the bin has not been cleared for at least one month and the rubbish are flowing out and lying all over the ground including the grass area behind the fence in front of the chinese temple.

Just today, after my lunch at around 1400 hrs, I noticed that there is a papercup with half-filled stagnant water. I believe the water collected could be rain water and has been there for days. Out of curiousity, I bent down and looked into the papercup. To my horror, I saw many wrigglers wriggling in the papercup of stagnant water!

As there have been on-going active public education and campaign through the media especially on mosquito breeding, it is very upsetting to see this happening in the neighbourhood as these wrigglers can cause unwanted diseases and put our lives at risk. I have also attached some photographs of the scene (i.e. please see attachments).

I would appreciate if you can contact the relevant authority to do a thorough clean up of this hazardous scene with a mass fumigation in case these mosquitoes are bred and grown stage.

Also, I would hope that the relevant authority will perform routine clean up of the bin to prevent further case of mosquito breeding.

P/S: Appreciate if you can let me know what are the actions taken via email.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,
Joice Tan (Concern Public)

Look at the rubbish around the bin... isn't it horrifying?
Poor bin, suffering from 'indigestion' till it 'vomitted' all over the place!

Notice the small curvey creatures (so many of them lo!!!)
in the cup of stangant water!
Description: WHITE & wriggling happily!

Close-Up View of the many WHITE wrigglers!

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