Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Please vote for my niece Abigail Yeo! (^^)v

hi... i'm back! :P

yea... finally back to blogging after a loooong time away. and yes~ as usual, bz-ing with Mr. J! *LOL*

recently, my niece Abigail Yeo has signed up for a singing competition with Stardust 2011... and YES please vote for her! watch her perform in her vid (click link) and be amazed with her singing :)

Abigail Yeo is a young lady who sings really well at the tender age of 14 having big dreams and puts in plenty of hardwork and effort to make her dream come true as a singer!

... here's how you can vote:

- log in to your Facebook account
- search for 'Stardust 2011'
- click "Like" Stardust 2011
- look for 'Stardust 2011 Vocals Semi-Finals Abigail Yeo - 我不是你想象那么勇敢'
- click "Like" Video
- lastly, not forgetting to share this piece of blog with your family and friends... and YES~ Please VOTE for Abigail Yeo!


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